George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #41

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So please can someone run the game past me and what is required??

I'm not very good at explaining things but here goes...
The person that 'wins Nick' posts a theme of pics that they would like to see. In this case the winner is Princess and the them she wants is Full Body Shots. The rest of us then go to our photobucket accts (which I noticed you already have one of. :thumbsup:) and search our collection for pics that qualify with that theme. The person also specifies how many pics they want, usually either up to 12 (2 sets) or 18 (3 sets) and when they'll be back to pick the next winner of Nick (usually around 24 hours). You don't have to post as many as they say, you can post fewer if that's all you have or want to post. Just remember you can only post a maximum 6 picture links per post. :)

Congrats Princess: :)

First set of full body shots:

(Jacquie, depending on what's wrong with the other computer I might forward the pm's on who sent in what icon in the current icon challenge. This one may be running XP but it's still an old '98 and it's memory was limited so my brother only downloaded what was necessary for it to run. We're going to call McAffee but since we can't get on the computer I doubt they can tell us what to do to fix whatever downloading their updated virus scanner program did to screw up our computer. :scream:)

So please can someone run the game past me and what is required??

I'm not very good at explaining things but here goes...
The person that 'wins Nick' posts a theme of pics that they would like to see. In this case the winner is Princess and the them she wants is Full Body Shots. The rest of us then go to our photobucket accts (which I noticed you already have one of. :thumbsup:) and search our collection for pics that qualify with that theme. The person also specifies how many pics they want, usually either up to 12 (2 sets) or 18 (3 sets) and when they'll be back to pick the next winner of Nick (usually around 24 hours). You don't have to post as many as they say, you can post fewer if that's all you have or want to post. Just remember you can only post a maximum 6 picture links per post. :)

excellent explain :)

We've also come up with some of our unique theme names so if you don't understand the name of a theme please remember to ask. We never want to not include someone new in a game but we've been playing a 'few' years now :D and we do forget sometimes that not everyone understands 'Chocolate', 'Little Stoker' or even 'Open Nick' :)

Also unless it's said otherwise you can post pics of George, Nick or any other character :)

(Jacquie, depending on what's wrong with the other computer I might forward the pm's on who sent in what icon in the current icon challenge. This one may be running XP but it's still an old '98 and it's memory was limited so my brother only downloaded what was necessary for it to run. We're going to call McAffee but since we can't get on the computer I doubt they can tell us what to do to fix whatever downloading their updated virus scanner program did to screw up our computer. :scream:)

no problem :)

my second set of full body shots

Nikki, the first post of this thread also explains how it works. :)

Picture Game Guidelines
1. Each player may post up to three times per round as dictated by the winner's post, no more than 6 picture links per post.
2. Once a winner is announced, that person has up to 24 hours to post the new theme. If they don't, then the first runner up is free to go ahead and post a theme.
3. The winner should estimate the time they will be back to pick the next winner (usually close to 24 hours). If they do not come back to post a winner within 6 hours past their estimated time, then the first runner up in the previous theme is declared the winner and may post the next theme.
4. Please be fair and try to make sure everyone gets a chance to "win" Nick now and then. It's no fun to keep playing and never get to name a theme. While it's not a "rule" that you can't pick someone who already won recently, it would be nice to consider someone who may not have won in awhile.
5. Mods may step in if it appears that a pattern is appearing, that is...if someone consistently chooses the same player as winner, etc.

You'll find the the first post in most threads kind of gives you an idea of how things work. We also have a Help Guide thread for the LV forum that you can visit to get answers to a lot of questions. :)
It's working!

I don't know if it was McAfee installing or the service pack update installing. :confused: But once I got to a point where I could run CHKDSK it seemed to find out what was wrong and fix it. It deleted 5 index entries for directory file 134799 and recoved 135 orphaned, unindexed files and moved them into directory file 134799. Other than that I don't pretend to understand any of it, but it worked! :thumbsup: :lol:

Jacquie, number 18. Thank you! :thumbsup: Loverly lighting!:drool:

Third set of theme pics:

Thanks for all your welcomes.

So please can someone run the game past me and what is required??

Thanks!!! :confused:

The first person to find a naked picture of Nick (everything) and post it for Smokey wins.

It's always good to please the mod. :lol:

Shane we know how to keep Smokey happy. All we have to do is post all the hand shots we have :lol: and of course the closest we come to an fully naked pics is Evel. We just have to figure out someway of getting Phil to move his arm :devil:
Wow, all these pics are mouthwatering, lol!

Thanks for the explanation on the game, you did just fine Blackflag :thumbsup:

I had it mostly figured out, but it's good to be sure. The Chocolate theme has got to be one of the sweetest ones :devil:

I could use a little more clarification on the Open Nick one, since not all of those pics I saw had him with an open mouth. Expression, maybe? And as for Little Stoker, is it really what my devilish mind is thinking?

I guess I need to think about uploading some pictures to play the game, I have a lot of pics and caps, many are my own but some are credit unknown, so I will try to be original if I can. I'm glad you ladies seem to put your names and/or epi names on the pics, that helps keep things straight.
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