George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #39

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Well, it's been a fun day. Nick failed to convince me not to put off grocery shopping, so we spend the day relaxing and watching tv. His next hostess may want to feed him something other than leftovers.

Runners up:
blackflag - :devil:
Princess - great moment, and I love the warm lighting.
Princess - don't usually see them from this side, but it's just as good. :)
blackflag - :drool: indeed!
Jacquie - Now you've got me looking for that hollow too.. :lol: It's very nice, especially combined with those eyes. :adore:

NickyFan - so many good features..
Aww thanks, Raynn :) Nicky on a Sunday is always fun! :D He can help me study for my last exams on Wednesday :shifty:

Anyway... a theme... how about lashes and eyebrows for once, since they are my favorite feature :p

Nice and easy, huh? :lol: Should bring some good chocolate as well :adore:

Up to 12 pics in 24 hours.

Happy hunting, ladies! I have to go study again... but I might be distracted :devil:
Congrats NickyFan. Somehow I knew this was what you were going to pick. :lol:

Originally Posted by Raynn
Originally Posted by blackflag
Any questions? :devil: :evil:

Just one.. How did I not see THAT coming? :lol:
You should have! :lol: Although, the eyes are my absolute favorite. I got drawn into those eyes at the end of Stalker and have been there since. :luvlove:

first set of theme pics:

Thanks for posting all these lovely pics, ladies :adore:

I'll have to make it short and sweet... because I have some study stuff to tend to :rolleyes:

The runners up:

Jacquie looks like a sleeping beauty in this one :luvlove:
Raynn eyebrow action :lol: Isn't he cute?
bookgirl you were so close with this one. It is perfect :adore:

and the winner is blackflag because you posted one of my forever favorite pics. I love the lighting in this one :adore:

Enjoy your Nick time, blackflag :devil:

Thank you all for playing, ladies :) And bookgirl... you should come play more often ;)
Lucky me! :) Nick was here when I got back from being stuck in the arm (and a few other errands). :lol: I'm thankful for you sending him right over NickyFan. He helped me water all the spots I just seeded in the front yard. (The heat of the summer killed all the grass we tried to grow in the spring! :scream:)

and the winner is blackflag because you posted one of my forever favorite pics. I love the lighting in this one :adore:

Enjoy your Nick time, blackflag :devil:

Not sure I was expecting it to be that one. I just like it because it's a nice close-up. :lol: ;)

On to the new theme...

I think I'll be completely predictable. I want up to 12 BUZZ pics please. :D :adore: :luvlove: :drool: Winner in around 24 hours or when I stop :drool: :drool: :drool: at the pics. :lol:

And as an aside - PLEASE go vote in the miscellaneous icon challenge. I'll leave some chocolate chip cookies for everyone at the door. :thumbsup:

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