George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #39

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Good afternoon everyone :)

It's been another hot day here today :devil: and I'll leave it at that :devil:

Time to send Nick on his way :( but I'm sure he'll brighten someone's night :devil:

speedy even though I'm assuming you weren't playing you still did post a very nice Open Nick :drool:
blackflag with the oops I think an extra button got left undone pic :devil: :drool:
Princess I wonder how mcuh trouble we'd get in if we pulled the zipper down :devil:

Now the next three aren't making this an easy choice. No matter how many times I do an Open Nick theme it gets harder and harder each time :drool:
Smokey I just love this cap :)
NickyFan oh so close with hands on the hip Open Nick :devil: :drool: I think I see me having a new fetish here :drool:

for Raynn with this little gem that got me going on Open Nick :drool: I just want to dive right in :devil: and I don't mean to the sandwich :D So congrats Raynn, Nick is on the next West Jet flight out of here and he's hoping it'll be a lot cooler in your part of the country. Enjoy your Nick time :devil:
Ooh, nice.. I just got home, and found Nick waiting patiently by the door. He was a little annoyed since it's hot (and humid :() here today, but my apartment is nice and cool, so he forgave me once I let him in. :D

Since I just got my season 7 and 8 DVDs (I'm slow, and out of order), let's have that for the next theme - anything from those 2 seasons.
:beer: The kids are in school!!! :beer:

:scream: I could kill my brother! He's lucky that rebooting the router worked! :scream:

Now on to better things. :)

Since I just got my season 7 and 8 DVDs (I'm slow, and out of order), let's have that for the next theme - anything from those 2 seasons.

You're not that slow and being 'out of order' is normal for me. I just got seasons 8 & 9 within the last year and still don't own seasons 6 & 7. :lol:

First set of theme pics (season 8)"
A La Cart
Lying Down with Dogs
The Theory of Everything
Chick Chop Flick Shop
Grissom's Divine Comedy
Case of the Cross-dressing Carp

It sounds like you could do with some chocolate :)
What I really need is a a brother who realizes that there are 4 other people in the house with need of the Internet. Not to mention that doing what ever he did the night before school starts is extremely bad timing! :censored: (we had to call him and he admitted he did something with the router for with the old laptop he's got.)

second set of theme pics: (season 7)
Fallen Idols
Ending Happy
Toe Tags
Post Mortem

Seasons 7 and 8 aren't my favorite seasons out of the 10, some good episodes sprinkled throughout but overall not my favorites

I agree, they're not my favorites either. There's a few good episodes though, and of course, Nick is hot in every season (except perhaps 6 :lol:). Made it very hard to pick winners here..

Well, it's time for Nick to move on (I think he's bored with watching DVD extras anyway :rolleyes:).

Runners up:
Jacquie - I love this pose. :luvlove:
Smokey - Not my favorite episode, but very nice cap. :)
blackflag - those eyes.. :drool:
NickyFan - and I love this scene.

I think we're safe from Hurricane Earl, we're gonna get rain and wind but nothing more serious than that.

Nick :adore: hopes you're right on that, because he's on his way. I offered him my umbrella, but he refused. :rolleyes: Enjoy sheltering from the storm with Nick, Princess. :devil:
Well, thank you Raynn but the rain (haha no pun intended) will be here on Friday so Nick arrived safely and quite promptly.

Since it's the first of September, very soon the weather will be changing and getting cooler. So for your theme, how about long sleeves? The usual 12 in 24 or so.

Have fun ladies.
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