George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #39

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Sheesh, I leave the computer for a few minutes, and you guys already have two sets up! I'll try not to dup..

That's how it is mostly for me, when I have to log off for 6 hours of the day (because I have to sleep from time to time :lol:) The winner is posted shortly before I go to bed and when I come back here everyone has posted two new sets already :guffaw:

If I remember what was posted I'm amazed! I'd find one pic, get logged off photobucket when I tried to change pages and have to log back on! :wtf:


PB is a mystery for me the past days... yesterday it worked fine, the day before I couldn't get on it at all except for the morning where I uploaded some new caps and today it screws with me again... 7!!! times I had to try to get my page to load :rolleyes:

Anyway... congrats on your win, Princess :)

Here is some chocolate to make you feel better.

First set:

chocolate #1

chocolate #2 Caps/Season 10/1022_DoctorWho_036.jpgchocolate #3
chocolate #4
chocolate #5
chocolate #6
NickyFan, my photobucket problems are all related to which computer I'm on. That logging me off when I try changing pages is something new even for that antique I call a computer! :wtf:

Sheesh, I leave the computer for a few minutes, and you guys already have two sets up! I'll try not to dup..

what can I say but some of lead such fantastic lives on a Friday night that we've been lurking for a while :D

And some of us live such fantastic lives that we fall asleep around 9pm on a Friday night! :alienblush:

Chocolate set #2:

I believe it's time ladies for Nick to be on his headache did go away eventually last night but it came back earlier this afternoon. I swear it's this crazy hot weather we're having

Nick and I had fun today.....finally got a haircut today....unfortunately I can't go too short because if I do I'll look like a puff ball

Anyway, it's so great to see so many people playing these days. Sometimes it gets kind of slow during summer understandably.

The runners up:

Stokes4Me Young Nick is so adorable
Jacquie Love this episode!

So that means that Smokey is the lucky lady with this amazing closeup cap of the wonderful chocolate.

So congrats Smokey. Enjoy your company.
Woo hoo!!!
Here I am to claim my prize ASAP so I can take full advantage of Saturday Night Nick!
Princess! :)

I think for a theme this time we'll go with Li'l Stoker pics. :lol: If you can't find enough of those, you can just go with something else that's a little silly. :) Maximum of 12 pics in 24 hours. Have fun!
I'm glad to see you all have some pics! I'm not looking yet. It's so funny tho when you start looking at them one after another! :p:lol::p to check it out in person. ;)
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