Good evening everyone
Nick and I've had a wonderful day but for some reason he's got his bags pack and is ready to head out of here. It seems as though he got wind of our forecast for more snow starting Thursday. Oh how much fun can that be
anyways enough weather talk all your Nick presents to George were good so without further ado here's the runners up
blackflag can I come to this dinner as well
NickyFan loverly profile
Smokey with the camera. I also found this cap interesting because it appears that Smoeky can't spell her own name
Princess indulging in a little bit of toplessness here :drool:
diff'rentstokes cake for the birthday boy
Stokes4george more indulging here :drool:
Princess wins with the razor gift :guffawriceless. I've packed a shovel in Nick's bags so he'll be ready to help if you get anymore of the white stuff Congrats on the win Princess and enjoy your Nick time :devil:
Go Canada Go
Nick and I've had a wonderful day but for some reason he's got his bags pack and is ready to head out of here. It seems as though he got wind of our forecast for more snow starting Thursday. Oh how much fun can that be
anyways enough weather talk all your Nick presents to George were good so without further ado here's the runners up
blackflag can I come to this dinner as well
NickyFan loverly profile
Smokey with the camera. I also found this cap interesting because it appears that Smoeky can't spell her own name
Princess indulging in a little bit of toplessness here :drool:
diff'rentstokes cake for the birthday boy
Stokes4george more indulging here :drool:
Go Canada Go