George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #37

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Good Morning y'all :)

It's going to be a nice early spring day here today but look out. We're going to go from a high of 12C this afternoon to a low of -5C tonight. Burrrrrr

I haven't noticed any PB problems so far. It must either be fixed or it's some feature I didn't use. :lol:

the feature that I use most, apart from the editing caps feature, is the 'view all' option at the bottom of the page. I send them a note about it and apparently it was 'taken' away for any album that had more than 250 pictures in them :wtf: :eek: I did say that not being able to use this feature is expensive :eek: but after my email I have the 'view all' option back on my albums.
How can the man take something as geeky as safety glasses and look this good in them?

Your runners up:
NickyFan - you win for using your imagination! :thumbsup:
Princess - a very :drool: pic but you're not going to get Nicky back just yet! :p
Jacquie and - Yah! I couldn't decide - go with the blue or :drool: over the chocolate. :lol:


Smokey - for a lovable geek with red safety glasses and a silly face. :lol:

Well ladies we've done it again :D We've finished off another thread :) and we've started a new thread which can be found here
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