George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #36

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First, thank you Smokey for scanning and posting those pics and pages. After reading that, I have no idea how George went that long with such pain. He's a tougher person than me.

Anyway, it's that time ladies to pass Nick on here we go:

Runners up:

Stokes4Me I love that new forensics jacket he's been sporting this season
Jacquie After reading that article I wonder if bowling was on his list of approved activities?
blackflag That shirt looks brown to me but regardless it still looks good on him

Now that of course means that Nickyfan is the winner with this gorgeous profile shot

So congrats to you Nickyfan. A very handsome gentleman is headed your way.
Yay :D Thank you for sending Nick my way, Princess :)

I'll make it short and sweet... well I was very busy today with helping my aunt cleaning and my uncle with getting some stuff from the store... multitasking was needed and that will be my theme :) Give me pics of George/Nick/Shorty/Gus/Adam etc. 'multitasking'. For example Nick holding his mug while talking :)

You can interpret it freely, I'm not picky :D

Up to 12 pics in 24 hours. Happy hunting ladies :)

I'll take a break now that I have a guest :devil:
Great pics so far, ladies :D They are excactly like I wanted them to be :) Keep them coming.

As for the weather discussion... well... we have more than 5 degrees outside at the moment... so we don't get any snow :( I wish we would though...
Congratulations, Princess! What a great theme! But...what if I have several favorite looks?? ;)

I'll be back in a bit to post. But first of all....ta da!! I had success today in finding the magazine! There was George, peeping out over the tops of the other magazines on the rack. :D There were only two issues there, so I nabbed them.

I thought I'd go ahead and actually scan it for anyone who might not be able to get it or who just can't wait, so here you go! Not the best quality (the pics look a little magazine-y), but not bad. :)

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Hi Smokey! Thanks for the article. Wow! George is so lucky to still be walking.
Congratulations, Stef! This is a fun theme! Some of the captions are funny too! :lol: "Carrying a woman and walking." "Kneeling and swabbing." "Crouching while touching." :lol:

I never thought of it that way but when you go back and look at them the captions are interesting :)

I just finished dinner so I think a little dessert is in order :)
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