George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #36

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Congrats Snow Miser!

First set:
Nick, Sara, Greg
The whole gang
Pretty promo pic
With Ray
and appropriately from Family Affair
With Grissom

Good morning everyone :)

I hope everyone had a good Christmas and for those of us that do Boxing Day I hope everyone has a good 2nd day of the Christmas Holiday :)

a nice profile to stare at for a while :)
Time for Nicky to be on his way to the next lucky ward girl...

Your runners up:
Stokes4Santa - his face just about sums up today so far! :vulcan:
ChristmasCookie - can you say 'Pinion Pine Pollen' 3 times fast? :lol:
americanstalker - in 8 seasons this was the best Nick & Rick scene! :thumbsup:
bookgirl - just gonna have to snag this. :drool:

Now my difficulties begin...
Snowkey - with my lunch date! :p And Jacquie with this absolutely delish white open Nick & buzz :drool: were oh-so-very close.



Princess - The leader of the band and 2 of his sidekicks. :lol: Hodges looks suspicious, Henry looks shocked, and Nick is sorta 'who me?'. :lol: Don't believe Nicky has far to go so he should be there shortly. :thumbsup:

Thanks blackflag. I got back from the movies to find Nick waiting for me patiently. A little wet but easily remedied.

Now a theme is what you need so while Nick and I enjoy my Christmas present of Lost season four on dvd give me at least 12 of your favorite Nick/OC overalls looks. By that I mean, do you prefer the longer hair? Or maybe you were a fan of the mustache? Or his more everyday look? This isn't limited to his hair. In 24 hours or so should be fine.
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