George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #36

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Sorry! I was trying to see if I could borrow my sisters' scanner. Tis broken of course.
Um so how about pics taken with my camera? They suck of course but they'll do for drooling :D
Oh hot damn
did you say something?
I was busy drooling
and some cute to top it all off

Did you know there was a chance he'd be on it? I totally didn't. I was just browsing. And I'm not kidding when I said I squeed in the store. The old ladies beside me looked at me strangely :)

Squee??? I would've fainted! Hot Dang! He looks amazing! I knew that of course...but Hot Dang! He looks
...he looks so
... those pics are awesome! Thanks so much for sharing bookgirl! I need to get a copy of that magazine - it'll do me for some Xmas drooli...I mean Xmas reading!
Good Morning y'all :)

Just a little on the chilly side here today
so I am very thankful that I have a strong handsome gentle to keep me warm :devil:

Well, the three places I checked: one didn't have the magazine and other two had the old ones. I looked at the magazine and it said to display until December 28. :wtf: I'll show them December 28th!

I want it NOW!!!! :scream:

Ok, rant over!

That's it speedy. You show them what happens when you mess with a Ward Girl :lol:
Well, the three places I checked: one didn't have the magazine and other two had the old ones. I looked at the magazine and it said to display until December 28. :wtf: I'll show them December 28th!

I want it NOW!!!! :scream:

Ok, rant over!

That's it speedy. You show them what happens when you mess with a Ward Girl :lol:

Look on the bright side, speedy - at least you'll be able to get it before the end of the year. If I want a copy, I'm going to have to talk very nicely to friends of mine who're based in PA, to see if they can pick me up a copy and mail it to me, which means I won't get to see it until probably the middle of January...


(Fortunately, said friends have known me a loooooooooong time so this isn't exactly the first time I've asked them to buy me random magazines!)
Anybody know where i can find the Men's Fitness magazine with George on it? I've looked EVERYWHERE and i cant find it. :(

Are you sure it came out yet?
Anybody know where i can find the Men's Fitness magazine with George on it? I've looked EVERYWHERE and i cant find it. :(

Are you sure it came out yet?

I think Bookgirl was lucky! The stores here still have the current issue and on the magazine it says to display until December 28th :scream:, so we probably won't see it until the 29th.

Not that that will stop from looking until then. :thumbsup:
Anybody know where i can find the Men's Fitness magazine with George on it? I've looked EVERYWHERE and i cant find it. :(

Are you sure it came out yet?

I think Bookgirl was lucky! The stores here still have the current issue and on the magazine it says to display until December 28th :scream:, so we probably won't see it until the 29th.

Not that that will stop from looking until then. :thumbsup:

I know, i went out looking and i couldnt even find a Men's Fitness Magazine issue. :( All they had was Men's Health. And it's pissing me off!:scream: :scream:
speedy your avatar is :drool: :drool: :drool: which means many
are required. I just popped out and the two closest stores. a convenience and the other a drugstore, don't even carry the magazine :eek: how dare they :D I think my best bet will be the big box bookstore that I checked out last night. If anyone is wanting a copy, NickyFan :) let me know. If there are more than one copy when I get it, I'll gladly get more for those that want it. Knowing the bookstore it will probably be after the New Year though.
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