George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #36

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blackflag I like this years avatar. It's a nice tribute to the men that lost theirs lives.

July to December coming up

July time for summer sports leagues
August the dog days of summer
September schools back in
October starting to cool down
November needing something to brighten the dreary days
December time to party
blackflag I like this years avatar. It's a nice tribute to the men that lost theirs lives.

The Worcester Cold Storate Warehouse Fire is one thing the people in this city will always remember. I'll never forget sitting at the red light when the station nearest my house emptied out to go to that fire. It hits you when you realize that you just saw 4 of those firefighters go to their death. :(

We've built a new firestation on the property. :)

Congrats Stokes4Me. I can't believe the new year is only a month away. Luckily it hasn't been too cold but I have a feeling that won't last. Is there a CSI calendar available for purchase?

First half:

January New Year's Eve party
February nice warm jacket for the cold
March still chilly enough for the vest
April Light jacket weather
May Able to eat outdoors
June Perfect golfing weather
americanstalker, your October and November pics are the same :)

Great theme idea, Stokes4Me :D I would like to have my personal George/Nick/etc. calendar :)

My calandar would have all my favorite pics in it... and I think they wouldn't even fit the month events :lol:

Here we go...

Oh my...Oh my...Oh my good Lord...I don't know how may times I have emptied out my :drool:bucket!! You all did a really good job of creating your own calendars! What a lovely way to spend the year..month after month after month just getting immersed in all that hotness!;)

And here are your runner's up:

Princess - gorgeous intensive eyes...and Nick in a turtleneck...:adore: and an honourable mention for your Nipple Alert! pic!;)
NickyFan - some chocolate for Valentine's? Yes please!

blackflag - love that little smirk...and the hat...and the jacket...March sure is a good month!

Jacquie - but it was such a hard choice from all those yummy pics, Mr March is one of my faves too and a double whammy in July....:drool:

And the winner of this theme is
americanstalker with this pic which has me longing for summer, sun, and sexy Stokes in sunnies! So congrats americanstalker! Enjoy your 24+ with Nick!:thumbsup:
I was out and about in downtown Chicago for the Christkindlmarket with my best friend most of the day, and what a pleasant surprise it was to see Nick at my front door. Right now, we're just hanging out, bracing ourselves for the inevitable cold weather.

The cold weather that is approaching is making me long for some warmer days. So the challenge is 12 pictures of Nick (Stokes or Corelli)/George/Gus/Evel etc in short sleeves or other warm weather attire in 24 hours. In the meantime, it's time for bed since church is in the morning. I hear he's a good snuggler. :adore:
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