George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #36

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I hope you like dark chocolate.

Dark chocolate, white chocolate, milk chocolate, mint chocolate, chocolate chips, chocolate ice cream ... :thumbsup: You name it I probably like it - unless it's chocolate milk. (Don't ask - I just don't like chocolate milk, don't know why. :lol:)

Did you know (the last time I heard) that dark chocolate was supposed to be the healthiest of the different kinds of chocolate. That is 'in small quantities' though. :lol: Somehow I'm not so sure this kind of chocolate is good for us - we don't exactly take it in small quantities. :lol:

It's a little early but my computer upstairs is acting a little flakey so someone is going to be a little lucky and get an extra hour/hour and a half with Nicky. :)

Your runners up: (in no particular order)
Stokes4Me - Early chocolate. Yummy! :p
american stalker - loverly dark chocolate :thumbsup:
NickyFan - now there's some delicious pools of chocolate. :lol:
Princess - I'm always willing to :drool: over sick Nicky.


My jaw dropped with Turtles :drool: continued on it's way down with Sweetmarie :drool: and was firmly sitting on the floor by m&m's. :drool: So, I had no real choice but to send Nicky right back to Jacquie. Enjoy your time with Nicky, Jacquie. I may not have Nick here any more but I don't have the kids either - and they're gone until Sunday afternoon. :beer:

I'm glad I checked into the Ward before heading to bed tonight so Nick wasn't standing out in the rain long. Don't want him to get sick now. Thanks blackflag :) I was not expecting Nick so quickly but I won't say no to another visit :)

New Theme. Since it's the time of year for Nick's fellow Americans to give thanks I think it's only appropriate for Nick to tell us what he's thankful for. You can also include pics of Gus, Shorty, Adam and Evel. No George this time just his characters please. 12 pics in probably 22-23 hours. Happy hunting while Nick and I get reacquainted :)
Good Morning y'all :)

It's a wet, dull, foggy November day here today. Good thing I have Nick for some company :)

Thanks blackflag :) I was not expecting Nick so quickly but I won't say no to another visit :)

I still can't resist those 3. The first thing I did was stare at them again this morning. :drool:


Yeah those pics are awesome. I have to thank my mad capper friend for the pics but with material like George to work with how can any of us go wrong when capping Nick :)
Good evening everyone :)

I hope all my American Friends have a Happy Thanksgiving tomorrow :)

I know I'm a couple of hours early but after the long day I've had I don't know if I'll be able to do justice to the theme pics so I'm posting the winner now.

blackflag a classic Nick and Warrick episode
Princess I was hoping someone would post this one
Stokes4Me A big step for Nick after Grave Danger

And that leaves NickyFan as the winner. It's a toss up between a visit from Little Stoker and Open Nick and Sunnies :drool: So congrats NickyFan. Enjoy your Nick time :devil:
Yay :D I won Nick :) Thank you, Jacquie! :thumbsup: Can this day get any better??? I think yes, with some great pics posted from you all :)

Therefore you guys need a theme... well... how about smiling Nick (and only Nick this time!), since I can't stop smiling myself (thanks to Mom :thumbsup:)

So... up to 12 pics in the usual 24 hours... maybe a little more or less... depends on how fast I can get out of the hospital tomorrow :shifty: Hope this will be my last visit there...

Happy hunting, ladies. Can't wait for your pics :D

Now Nick and I will take a walk on this beautiful fall day :)
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