George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #36

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Good Friday Morning y'all :)

I hope those of you that do 'Black Friday' behave yourselves and don't spend all your money. For us here it's another day with out snow. A step closer to having a snowless November. If we make it through the next couple of days without snow it'll be the first time since 1937 that we haven't had snow in November :bolian: and that works for me just fine thank you :)

some random Nickiness for the day :)
Hey ladies :) My time with Nick has come to an end and it’s time to give him to one of you :D

So here we go…the runners up…

blackflag I love this shirt :drool:
Princess the puppy eyes… :adore:
Jacquie because I LOVE the crinkles :)
Smokey isn’t he handsome?
americanstalker was so close with this one… I simply love this smile :)

And the winner is Stokes4Me because I can’t stop starring at this pic :drool: :adore: It has it all and is one of the best Nick smiles ever :)

Have fun with Nick, Stokes4Me :devil:

I really needed to hurry with this post… my uncle will pick me up in a few minutes for weekend :) I hope you all have a good weekend :)
look who was waiting for me as I got home from my mum's this evening! Nick sure was ready to roll :devil: Aww..thanks NickyFan for sending him on to me, you've made me so happy

So you ladies want a new theme...and I give you free hands to compose your own 2010 calendar! 12 months of Nick/George/Shorty/Gus/Adam/OC - can it get any better

So up to 12 pics in about 26 hrs please!

Now please excuse me, I some entertaining to do
I hope those of you that do 'Black Friday' behave yourselves and don't spend all your money.

Went into 1 store on 'Black Friday'. That's a record for me! :lol: (I dont' like crowds. :borg:) Went to PetCo - we were getting real low on cat food. :eek:

First half of the calendar:
January - party time
February - red for Valentine's Day
March - he gets to be scruffy w/backwards hat on his birthday
April - showers bring...
May - flowers
June - nice white shirt as the weather's warming up

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