George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics #34

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Hey ladies could you help me? I am not sure how you are getting the words to click on and pop the pic. If you could teach me I have some great pics of GE. Do they have to be in photo bucket or can they be on any host site? Please let me know. Thank you.:cool:
Hey ladies could you help me? I am not sure how you are getting the words to click on and pop the pic. If you could teach me I have some great pics of GE. Do they have to be in photo bucket or can they be on any host site? Please let me know. Thank you.:cool:

goldencougarwolf, welcome to all things wonderful that is George and Nick :)

You need to have a photobucket or similar site for posting pictures. Photobucket can be annoying at times but it does seem to be the better site for storing and posting pics from.

There is this helpful post that may help with some of your questions :)

now as for posting pics and getting words on the pics there are a couple of ways to do it. I know some people type the codes and links in but I don't know how to do that so here is what I do. Copy the picture you're wanting to post. On the 'Reply to Thread' page, type out what you want the picture to say. Highlight the words you've just typed. Above the white reply box you'll see some icons. Select the 11th icon, it looks like an atlas with a paper clip, and then copy you picture to there. And viola you should have a picture to post with some words to it.

Nick hope this helps answer your questions :)

Oh and feel free to join out theme game or jsut post random pics :)
Hey ladies could you help me? I am not sure how you are getting the words to click on and pop the pic. If you could teach me I have some great pics of GE. Do they have to be in photo bucket or can they be on any host site? Please let me know. Thank you.:cool:

Looks like while I was typing, Jacquie beat me to the worries.

Welcome goldencougarwolf. I hope you brought your drool bucket with you. Someone used to be responsible with handing out handcuffs...;)

Join in and play's a lot of fun.
Nice set Speedy! :D I see you're raising the bar for the rest of us! Maybe your should call an acrostic theme for your next round.

Entries. They are
Delightful and
Glad y'all liked my theme :) and Speedy took it to another level, nicely done :thumbsup:!

Nick is warm and dry by now, in fact very warmed up :devil: and ready :devil: to move on to the next lucky winner ;) so here it is:

bookgirl - lovely open porn and a whole lot of chocolate - yum!
blackflag - Nick does look good in white - delish!
Speedy- I love the chocolate in this one and loved your little stunt in spelling out STOKES as well :)
Princess- the yellow t! I like this pic...armporn, buzzporn, chocolateporn and
Egeria- love the eppy, love the cap, love the green t, love the red background, love the smile, love the crinkles, just fab :adore:
Jacquie - I simply love this pic, I don't know why really...I just do! :D

But it is Smokey who wins with this surf's up dude ! Gahhh:drool::drool:, just so hot in here all of a sudden...I really could use jumping in there with him :lol:

Congrats Smokey! Enjoy your time with Nick!
Congrats Smokey! Enjoy your Nick time.

Nice set Speedy! :D I see you're raising the bar for the rest of us! Maybe your should call an acrostic theme for your next round.

Entries. They are
Delightful and


Glad y'all liked my theme :) and Speedy took it to another level, nicely done :thumbsup:!

Speedy- I love the chocolate in this one and loved your little stunt in spelling out STOKES as well :)

I'm glad you liked my little stunt, because let me tell ya, it wasn't easy. :lol:

Finding a word that starts with an 'O' and ends in a 'K' is not easy. :rolleyes: I was at the Merriam-Webster dictionary site going page by page looking at ALL the words that start with 'O'. Thankfully, we had a scene where Nick was with pigs and I could use 'oink', because, let me tell ya, there are not many words that start with 'O' and end with 'K'. :lol:

However, I was thinking of using 'oldnick'. Yeah it's a word and is another name for the devil. :devil:

Main Entry: Old Nick
Pronunciation: \ˈōl(d)-ˈnik\
Function: noun
Date: circa 1643
—used as a name of the devil

Of course, this gave me an idea for a theme, if no one steals it that is. :shifty:
Finding a word that starts with an 'O' and ends in a 'K' is not easy. :rolleyes:

We appreciate the effort! :lol:

Of course, this gave me an idea for a theme, if no one steals it that is.

I would if I was smart enough to figure out what it is! :p

Oooooo boy!! Thanks, Stokes4Me! Look who was waiting for me after work today! We have lots of plans for the evening. :devil: While we're keeping busy, you guys can post some pics of Nick in a vest. :adore: Maximum of 12 pics in 24 hours. Have fun!
Alright Ladies. For the first time ever I am going to try and do this. Thank you Jacqui (sorry if I didn't spell it correctly). I am not really new to this site I have been here a while but I am now going through a lot with my husband and his 18 year old girlfriend who we have known since she was 12. So I see divorce on the horizon and I need to stop crying. I am doing George Therapy. LOL. I have followed his career for some time now. Even before CSI. One thing I noticed about the show was I was already familiar with the cast. So you want some vest pictures lets see if I can do this.

Vest Indian Style

Vest Indian Style 2

Vest 3

Vest 4

Vest 5

This one is not a vest, but my all time fave of George

And I don't remember which one of you likes the bamboo background of him but I have one as well but a different pose.

Well I will add more GE pics as I can into photobucket and then here. Now that I don't have much of a life anymore.
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