George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics #34

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I see by the time on the clock that it's time for Nick to say goodbye :( but he'll be saying hello to someone very shortly :)

Your theme pictures have been good and very creative :D

Runners up in no particular order

bookgirl how about we say 'older' for this one :)
Stokes4Me I would certainly say that this is borrowed
egeria borrowed and a side of open Nick :drool:
Princess two items that are certainly borrowed
Yoshi so oh so blue here and open Nick :drool:

So I guess that leaves the
guy for blackflag. You've got to laugh with this scene and what could be funnier than Hodges out of the lab :guffaw: So congrats blackflag, Nick is on his way to the airport and should be with you shortly :) Enjoy :devil:
Oh, Wow! Come home from my shopping expidition and just looky who's here. :D We are going to have a great time tonight watching my nice new TV! :thumbsup:

But to keep you all busy, on to the new theme...

Since I'm in such a great mood I want smiling, happy Nick/George/oc. If you want you can tell me why he's happy, but it's not a requirement. :) Up to 12 pics in 24 hours. Enjoy yourselves, I know I will. :D

Congrats to the recent winners! I'm afraid I've been unable to get it together enough to play the last few themes. :( Birthday dinners with friends and working late and now tomorrow a road trip for a training class, so early to bed. :)

Having some withdrawal symptoms tho so I'm posting a couple! :D
Good Morning y'all :)

Hey Jacquie, in the eleventh pic you posted (from Big Shots) I swear it looks like George is missing a tooth

Yes it does look like George is missing a tooth or the capping job he had done was a bad job :shifty: now to find smiling pics from that side and compare them to see if he is missing a tooth.

It's suppose to be warm today
It's amazing what a new TV can get you to do! I was even watching CSI: Miami last night! :eek: The color is fantastic. :D (My last new TV was around 20 years ago. :eek: I had the reciept with the instruction book, it was bought at a store that doesn't exist any more!)

My time with Nick has come to an end. Jacquie, he says next time don't let him leave his raingear behind. He's going to get awful wet making his way to the next lucky person. :p

Only 5 players so, you're runners up:
bookgirl - He's just like a little boy having fun. :lol:
Jacquie - I just adore the smile at the unprofessional times, so cute! :adore:
Princess - Considering I don't like the hat much I don't know what it is that I like about this except that he was still able to have a good time even with his back bothering him. :)
egeria - Even though I do prefer the other one I won't say no to this. :lol:


Stokes4Me - I don't have this and that trumps the other all by itself. :lol: Of course that is along with a smile that is just to die for...:luvlove:

Nicky's gonna be a little wet when he arrives Stokes4Me, so take good care of him. :devil: He came without his raingear and that can be dangerous here in Massachusetts.

My time with Nick has come to an end. Jacquie, he says next time don't let him leave his raingear behind. He's going to get awful wet making his way to the next lucky person. :p


Stokes4Me - I don't have this and that trumps the other all by itself. :lol: Of course that is along with a smile that is just to die for...:luvlove:

Nicky's gonna be a little wet when he arrives Stokes4Me, so take good care of him. :devil: He came without his raingear and that can be dangerous here in Massachusetts.


Hey don't blame me for Nick not having his rain gear. His suitcase had everything in it that he came with :) Well ok not everything left, and no I'm not saying whats missing :devil: but with the way everyone's summer seems to be going I know he did have his rain coat when he left here :)

Congrats on winning Stokes4Me :) what is that picture from. I like :)
Oh my! He was wet alright! In need of being warmed up :devil: , I will be happy to help him with that :devil::drool:

Thank so much for sending Nick my way blackflag! I am extatic! ;)

Ok, so new theme then about a game of "Last Letter, New Letter"? It's sort of an I Spy theme but with a twist...what you do is find a pic you want to post and say you spy RED in it then your next pic should have something in it starting with D, DOOR for instance - geddit?

And to be clear, your second post doesn't have to start where your first one left off.

Up to 12 in about 24ish people! And anyone is welcome to play, 1 pic or 12 doesn't matter :thumbsup:

Happy hunting!

Oh and about the pic Jacquie and blackflag, if I remember correctly :alienblush: it's from the Grave Danger DVD extra material :)
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