George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics#31

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YEEHAW I'm back online!!! And to celebrate I'm playing this theme! Can only post one set though, ironically the very time I FINALLY get my internet is the day I have to go out this evening! But as soon as I'm home I'm back online and maybe there might be someone waiting at my door to help me celebrate?! I have had the week from H**L being here is doubly special! Try working 70 hours in 5 days (pulling 33 hours straight) and NOT getting paid for it!! I'll be posting in the rant thread much later tonight! Anyway, back to the good stuff!

Profile pics coming right up! Sorry I can't check for dupes!

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Winner time.

We had 9 players this time so .....

Honourable Mentions go to:
Egeria with her pic from Fannysmackin. Nice to have you back with us Egeria.
Bookgirl with her pic from Anonymous. I do miss the good old days with Nick and Rick. :(

Runners up:
Stokes4Me - my favorite season!
Kristine - I'll just nibble that ear a little. :lol:
Jacquie - another nibble worthy ear!
Yoshi - there I go having to empty the :drool: bucket again!
Speedy - wonder if he actually swallowed that fly? :lol:
Princess - filled up a couple of :drool: buckets on this one alone!


Smokey - For some reason I liked this when I capped it from the promo. Now I've got one from the promo and one from the episode. Can I say I just want to reach out and touch someone? :devil: :drool: :adore:

Ok so Smokey whines and complains about coming in second and then wins Nick.

Congrats on winning Smokey

I couldn't help it. I just want to reach out and grab hold of Nick in that cap. :drool: :devil:

And Jacquie, thanks for the loan of the :drool: buckets. I had to empty them frequently.

Smokey, where are you. You were here when I posted the winner and now you're gone! :shifty:

Ok so Smokey whines and complains about coming in second and then wins Nick.

Congrats on winning Smokey

I couldn't help it. I just want to reach out and grab hold of Nick in that cap. :drool: :devil:

And Jacquie, thanks for the loan of the :drool: buckets. I had to empty them frequently.

Smokey, where are you. You were here when I posted the winner and now you're gone! :shifty:


I'm glad the buckets came in handy.

Just to make everyone feel guilty I haven't won since January 18 on post #199 :) I'm not even going to try and do the math to figure how many themes, posts or pages it's been since I last had the comfort of Nick for 24 hours. I just like to whine some times :)
Ohhhh nooooo. I won? :alienblush: Yikes!

Where have I been? Filing my tax returns! :brickwall: So, I'll accept him in the spirit in which he was given and have a good evening now that that's over. :)

Allrighty then...nothing like a little pressure. :lol: Since we have the drool buckets out, let's pass them around as you all post the pics that make YOU drool, but more importantly that you think will make ME drool. 12 in 24.

Happy hunting as I
for a while. ;)
It's been ages since I even had a Nick fix so I'm happy just to be back!! Ok, so it would have been nice to have had Nick's company after the week I've had but as I'm already exhausted, well it's probably for the best!

Ok Smokey, congrats on the win and here's a few pics to get you going!

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