George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics#31

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Jacqui and Bookgirl, you both rock for posting new George pics!

So after I finally :rolleyes: leave work and pickup Rogen from my mom's, I pass by an active crime scene being processed. There were quite a few cop cars, crime scene tape, and lights. No idea what happened, but it was outside a bar, so you never know. However, the one thing I didn't see was this :(
Jacqui and Bookgirl, you girls are great! :luvlove: I was searching for those yesterday and never found them. Those are from Billy's ceremonies for his Star on the Walk of Fame. I had a feeling the whole cast was going to be there but I was only able to find pics of Billy and Marg.


ETA: Is it just me or does it look like, at least wardrobe wise, George is dressing like Nick or Nick is dressing like George. :guffaw: He's got a black t-shirt on underneath that green polo.

Not that I don't like it mind you! :lol::drool:
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Thanks a lot Jacqui and bookgirl for those swoonsome pics of George:drool:!
And yeah blackflag, George has borrowed his fashion sense from Nick or Nick has borrowed from George - anyway he looks awesome!:drool:
Now I usually don't regale y'all with stories for the store but I think this one needs to be told. A customer and I were talking about CSI today and he asked which one. So I gave him the look and the answer that said there is only one. His eyes widen and he said George Eads :drool: What can I say but George appeals to men and women :)
Sandra, loved the clip of Billy's induction! Thank you!!

Jacquie, your customers have excellent taste - and there is only one CSI ;)

Now for theme winners! This was extremely difficult to judge. There were so many great shots, I had about 25 of them picked out as my favorites, but have narrowed it down:

Susan: Your cap of the bird nibbling on Nick's hair make me laugh! :lol:
Kristine Because who doesn't love what I'll refer to as belt buckle porn?
Jacquie Nick and Warrick's backsides times two? Sign me up!
Yoshi An attentive Nicky plus a beautiful burst of light.
Smokey The coloring in this one is phenomenal, plus there's the whole ear thing...
PrincessThe glare of the light, the sweat beading on his forehead - you can just feel how uncomfortable he is.
bookgirl Nick's a Borg!

Which leaves this beautiful shot from Stokes4Me as the winner. I love it - it's a beautiful day, the sun is shining, the colorful landscape is very eye-catching - but it's all contrasted by what we all know is inside the Jeep.

So Nicky is on his way to you, Stokes4Me! Let him nap though. He's all tuckered out.
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Oh, what? I won?:eek: Jeez! I am totally surprised but very honoured!:alienblush: I mean out of all those beautiful pics...and me thinking I am not artsy at all...:alienblush::alienblush: Thanks Jacqui!:)

Anyways - Nick didn't waste anytime in getting here but like Jacqui stated he was a bit knackered once he arrived, falling on his knees and needing to get into bed quickly:devil:!

However it didn't take hom long to recharge and now he is full of energy again and in need of my attention...:devil:

Hold on Nick! I'm just gonna let the Wardies know what the new theme is - now don't you frown Nicky! Oh! That's a nice theme right there! So let's have it: Frowny Face with or without a sideorder of Li'l Stoker/pout/biting lips...:drool: 12 in about 24 then!
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