George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics#31

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Ok, I've had a very long day at work, way longer than usual. Didn't leave until 2 a.m. UGH!!! :wtf: And the nightmare only continues tomorrow. :rolleyes:

It was so nice to come home to all these gorgeous Nick/George pics.

Oh, did I mention how glad I am that you all made this easy? :p

Honorable mention goes to Smokey for your Disarmed & Dangerous pic.

Runner ups (sorry, way too tired to think of anything clever to say about the pics:

Hmmm, I wonder who that leaves. Oh yeah, that would be the winner who is none other than Jacqui with this classic pic as it really shows off that strong, square, sexy, nibble worthy jaw.

So Jacqui, Nicky is on his way.
Ah... It's a lovely thing being woken by Nicky :D Thanks Speedy!! And I'm sorry for your work-hell :(

Now, I know I've seen this done before but not for a while - I would like your artsy and/or miscellaneous caps please. You know the ones I'm talking about - the ones from odd angles, or that have great coloring, or the ones that just don't fit into a particular porn category. If you don't do your own capping or don't have many, then just show me your favorite caps of Nicky!

The usual 12, but give me about 30 hours b/c as much as I would love it, these folks don't pay me to ogle Nicky :p
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