George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics#31

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Great theme Smokey! I just couldn't resist posting one set as my last act before I'm offline. Haven't checked for dupes as I'm busy packing the last of my things, and scrubbing the place clean!

Hopefully I can get my internet transferred quickly! But I won't be around much until then, so I guess this is my little 'fare well until I'm back' post!

An itty bitty gun (maybe it's called The Cricket?!)
Gun AND buzz...yowza!
Hmm...recognise this?!
I wouldn't like to meet him in a dark alley. Or wait..wouldn't I?
Nick demonstrates how to best show off a gun
Boy is he ever upset! Saw that this one (or variations thereof) has been posted already, but I couldn't resist! Sorry!

I'll 'see' you guys when I can hop online at work but otherwise, ta ta for now!
How can we get a drip between the window and the plastic covering the window when it is 1 degree outside? :scream:

Theme pics:
one (not exactly sure you can see it but you're getting it anyways)
three (not sure you can see it here either)

If there's anything left by the time I get on a decent computer later today I'll post more. :scream:

Congrats on winning some 24+ hrs with Nick Smokey!

Unfortunately I don't think I've got enough gun pics to join in on the theme this time so I'll just sit back and snag :lol: !

Enjoy your time with Nick!

Awwww...I'm sorry! I don't mean to leave anyone out. You know, the gun doesn't have to be pulled (hee hee). It can just be...:adore:...attached to his hip. :)
I used to work with a guy who would flaunt his biceps and ask if anyone had tickets to the gun show :rolleyes:
I was going to post those type of guns if I couldn't find enough traditional porn :D
Congrats on winning some 24+ hrs with Nick Smokey!

Unfortunately I don't think I've got enough gun pics to join in on the theme this time so I'll just sit back and snag :lol: !

Enjoy your time with Nick!

Awwww...I'm sorry! I don't mean to leave anyone out. You know, the gun doesn't have to be pulled (hee hee). It can just be...:adore:...attached to his hip. :)

Aww, Smokey, you didn't leave me out! I am still a newbie and I don't have the amount of piccies and caps as you lot do! Although I did think the gun had to be on Nick somehow but both you and Jacquie have let me know otherwise, thanks! Now that I know that I am tempted to join in on the fun but I suppose it's too late now...:alienblush:

Spreading a little randomness to keep things legal
Aww, Smokey, you didn't leave me out! I am still a newbie and I don't have the amount of piccies and caps as you lot do! Although I did think the gun had to be on Nick somehow but both you and Jacquie have let me know otherwise, thanks! Now that I know that I am tempted to join in on the fun but I suppose it's too late now...:alienblush:

Spreading a little randomness to keep things legal

No it's not to late to join the fun. Smokey will probably not be naming the winner for another 6-8 hours. If you've got the time to post the pics we will come up and help you get your two sets in :)

bookgirl know biceps pics would make for a very :drool: theme

did the temperature in here go up or is it just me :D
Aww, thanks Jacquie and so sorry :confused: Smokey for me being so indecisive about joining the fun! It's so addictive and I need my fix!:guffaw: So here goes, my 1st set and I haven't checked for dupes...

Gun2 It's there if you squint:lol:
Gun3 I can see it if I really concentrate enough:p
Well you see, Stokes4Me (I'm a poet!), now you can post a second set! Because yes, as Jacquie says, it's not too late. Why, I'll even be so kind as to keep him another night if you need more time. :lol:

Bookgirl! The gun show!!! :guffaw:

I can't wait to check out all this gun porn later! :D
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