George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics#31

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You want to get your second set in speedy?

Nick is showing the way
Mmmmmmmmmm! Gun porn! :drool: So hot, no matter what kind of gun or where it is. :D Ten players this time! So hard to choose...wish I could post them all, but here goes...

Egeria - for your tiny gun/hand porn combo
Kristine- for your "Drops Out" action shot
Bookgirl - for your "Snakes" pic (that's what got me thinking about this theme in the first place!)
Princess - nice hand and arm porn to go with the gun!
Blackflag - Oh i do love the crouch! :devil:
Jacquie - Again...good gun = good hands :D
Speedy - Flaring nostrils are a bonus too!
Yoshi - Oh to see that coming up the street!
Stokes4Me - :adore: *swoon* So very, very close! See, you should always play! :lol:

And now, drummer and his buddies please!
The winner is Jacqui! Because this is one of the first pics I ever entered here...the crouch and the gun and the jeans and the arm has it all! Even if the gun's not directly below the ear this time. :lol:

And just to show I'm not selfish, I'm springing for a plane ticket this time to get him there sooner.
Have fun!
I win?! Woo-hoo! My very first win!! Thanks, Smokey!

Oooh, I got a lot to do before Nicky gets here - hide the spouse, ship the kids to the neighbors', stoke the fire and stock up on candles...

Ahem. Anyway, I suppose you'll all be looking for a new theme whilst I enjoy my playtime...

How about this - inspired by bookgirl's signature, I want you to show me that long, lean Texan from top to toes. I'll accept from the knees up. The usual 12 in 24(ish) hours. Have fun!
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