Good afternoon Ward. Mother Nature tried her darndest by giving us some freezing rain around 3 this morning but the little monsters (Ok not so little
) only had a 2 hour delay. Their 24 days Christmas vacation is finally over! :lol:
Winner time.
Your honourable mentions are:
myfuturecsi for your
Nesting Dolls pic.
Stokes4Me for your
Nesting Dolls pic.
Jacqui (without the 'e' :lol
for your Nicky in a hoodie pic.
Your runners up:
Jacquie (with the 'e' :lol
- butt shot! :thumbsup:
bookgirl - can I order one of these only bigger? :lol:
Princess - I just cannot resist the shirt/sweater combo.
Kat - Those arms! :drool:
egeria - double the Nick! Yummy!
Speedy - ooooohhhhh, you made it close.
Try as I might to not do this, Nicky is
going back to Yoshi. I just gotta snag this. I can't help myself. :adore: :luvlove: So, Nick is back on his way across the pond. Have fun Yoshi. Sorry if Nicky is looking forward to some quiet time. Between the chopping up of trees that are still lying on houses and (just started) chopping up beetle infested trees things are kinda noisy around here.