George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics#29

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Kat when you show pics like that it has to be a good evening. How are you enjoying your evening with that hot Texan you have :)
Hey Jac! I did enjoy Nick!

The honorable mentions go to Smokey for the gorgeous rear end shot, stokes4me for the eye porn and myfuturecsi for the sexy Nick cap with Sara.

Yoshi - love this shot
Adorable Crazy - double the hottness
blackflag - buzz grrr
PrincessJ88 - this is one of my fav pics of Nick
MsCatherineBrown - shirtless Nick - yummmmy
bookgirl20 - this was so close. That face is gorgeous.

The winner is Jacquie. Fantastic arm porn! Enjoy Nick!
Goodmorning ladies! Nick is a little tired today and I guess you have been keeping him up Kat...:)

Congrats on winning Jacquie!

I hope I can be a part of the next theme, I have a meeting today which will drag onto tonight so my pics will be in late if at all...:(
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Well, I guess I missed this theme. No internet at work today. :scream: We couldn't get half our work done and its still not up. :scream:

Congrats on your win, Jacquie! Enjoy your Nick time! :devil:
Well, that'll teach me, won't it?! :lol: Congrats, Cap'n! Nick didn't want to spend the holiday in the US anyway. Stupid parades and all. ;)
to everyone in the US :)

Good Morning y'all :) and lookie what I found on my front door step this morning :devil: Kat, Nick want's to let you know the roads were good and clear getting here and no back log at the border :)

And oh what should the theme be this day. An easy one for those overstuffed on turkey or a working one to make the brain work while the body says no after the meal. I think I'll make your brains have a work out today :)

So lets hear what Nick and Greg have to say to each other. Remember to keep it clean :D 12 pics and the winner will be announced sometime on Friday. I don't know when yet but it will be Friday :) Happy hunting while I get reacquainted with a georgeous guy from Texas :devil:
Well, I learned a painful lesson at work. Dogs have very sharp teeth! But I still have my ear, he only took a little of it.:eek:

So here my submissions:

Greg to Nick: Smile for the camera Nicky
Nick to Greg: I think I found a piece of MFCI's ear!
Greg to Nick: It's Beyonce, she's smiling at me, not you dude!
Nick to Greg: tell MFCI we'll super glue her ear together.
Nick to Greg: Look we won the Nobel Peace Prize! for super gluing MFCI's ear together!
Greg and Nick to us: Good healthy man love!

Okay, now I'm off to put some cream on my ear. Ouch!!!!
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