George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics#29

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Morning y'all :)

Kat congrats on winning :)

Smokey just an interesting observation here. You have Nick with everyone other CSI but one :confused:

I figured Kat had quite enough of those already. :) Figured I would help her fill up her folders with ones she might not have yet.

Maybe this one should go on the computer at work. :D And no, they won't let us put it on as a background. I'm talking, we're going to print them out and tape them to the monitors! :lol:
I figured Kat had quite enough of those already. :) Figured I would help her fill up her folders with ones she might not have yet.

Well I do appreciate the other CSI's - there is never enough pics with the other one. :p :lol:

A good morning Nick pic for all of you.
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