George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics#29

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Evening folks :D

Didn't think I'd get a chance to play tonight - 'tis the evening the world and it's spouse want to give me a bell.

Is this anything like pipping a post?! I really need to know what this means! :guffaw:It's very eloquent sounding!

Must have Nick fix for the evening.

BTW, my friend at work has a picture of Screech from "Saved By the Bell" on her computer monitor (don't ask), so my other friend and I decided today that we'd put Nick on ours. :lol:
Announcing tonight's English/American lesson :lol:

It felt like everyone I knew was calling me on the phone. The phone was ringing when I was unlocking the front door and I had about 5 mins between calls to make tea and attend to life's other little necessities :D

Sadly not one of my callers
Wow, I got pictures of trees on mine. At home.

And at work, only the VET gets the computer and he wouldn't put a picture of George on there no matter how much I begged and plead with him.

He's still trying to figure out why George keeps changing his hair style. "What was wrong the with brush cut, hand me the skin suture please. I mean his hair is fine and he goes and changes, turn the anesthesia down to 1 please?" I mean what's wrong that guy, okay turn the anesthesia back up to 2 please?"

It was routine surgery folks. No worries.

You know you're famous when vets talk about you during sterilization procedures.

What do you think Nick?

I think I'm gonna quit being a CSI and go to vet school and be Dr. Nick Stokes, DVM.
Ok, I have a lull at work, while I'm waiting for the Wisconsin publications to get done with their work, so I'm going to post the winner.

First, Jacquie, I looked veeerrrrryyyyy careful at the Evel pic! Very nice and thank you for bringing that to my attention. Off to the special folder it goes! :devil:

Nine players, soooooo honorable mentions go to Blackflag for her 'leather' pic and Audrey for 'leaning' pic. They were both very :drool: worthy!

Runner ups:

Bookgirl It's nice to see a smile after what happened to his best friend
Princess You can tell the toll that case took on Nick
Stokes4me Just very nice and I'm sure Smokey will like this pic, even if his hands are covered
Yoshi :drool: *rawr*
Jacquie Yup, this one's going in my special folder too. :drool:
Smokey That perfect profile just makes me melt and this was close

However, I have to go with this pic, which would make Kat the winner! That smile and the genuiness of the smile and it looks like he has the tiniest bit of sweet under that left eye and besides, I'm glad to see Kat is back and I'm sure she could use a little Texan in her life.

So have fun with him Kat!
Awww I wasn't expecting to win! Thanks so much!!

Ok - for a theme. Let's do something a bit easier this time. Let's go with Nick and another CSI. I don't have too many of those in my folders. The usual 12 in 24 please!

In the meantime - I will enjoy Nick! :devil:
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