George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics#29

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Just wanted to pop on and say thanks to everyone for all the kind words. I will be back playing - just not sure when. Oh and congrats to Yoshi!

Looks like I need to snag a bunch of caps again.
Kat, welcome back. We missed you.

Yoshi, congrats on your appointment! :)

Cap'n Jacquie and Blackflag, congrats on your Pinocchio icon wins! :)

Whoa! Eleven players this theme! And so many purty pics.
This was very difficult, but here goes. Honorable mention to Audrey for your dreaming pic with the tummy peek. :) To Sandra for your blue shirt over the hand of my faves! To Princess for your "Oh Mandy" pic. And to Stokes4Me for your Beautiful pic. It sure was! As were all the others!

And now to the runners up:

Bookgirl - just sitting there looking good!
Cap'n Jacquie - tried to bribe me with a teeth/hand combo shot! :lol:
GNRFan - love that look of wonder!
MsCath - bright eyed and bushy tailed! :lol:
Speedy - know I love those close, close ups!:drool:

Now, it comes down to the final two. Both of these pics are just perfect for the he's deliberately saying, "Look at these pretty teeth o' mine!" :lol: So First Runner Up goes to Steph.

And the winner is Blackflag, because I just want to pull that zipper down!

Congratulations! And enjoy your Nick time!
Bookgirl, love the knitting smiley. Are you trying to tell us something? :lol:

What could I be trying to tell you dear Speedy?
That I'm expecting homemade Christmas presents from all y'all this year?
Well of course!
I'll take a sweater, a lovely hat, a blanket to keep me warm at night, a nice scarf

Yeah, ummm, good luck with that! :p

Oh Speedy, I'm sorry about your hand..I'll send Nick over to kiss it and make it better.:devil::devil: but don't cry because he's very sensitive and might start to cry with you.:(

Thanks and Smokey never did send him to kiss it and make it better. :wtf:

Now on to other business:

Congrats Blackflag on winning! Have fun with Nicky! :devil:

Kat, it's so nice to see you and remember we're all here for you! Take your time and come back when you're ready! We'll be waiting, along with that hot Texan.

and Blackflag, congratulations on your wins.

Yoshi, congratulations on becoming a mod.

I hope I'm not forgetting anything or anyone!
Congrats on your win Blackflag! As soon as I saw that pic, I knew that was a winner! Pull that zipper down indeed Smokey:drool::drool::drool::drool::drool:!
Nice to see ya Kat.

Congrats on being green Yoshi.

You'll have to excuse my lateness this morning. I was trying to think of a theme and got involved with other things. Had to threaten the children about getting marks on their new winter coats. :angel: And then run a few errands.

Lets see .....

New theme - How about some nice simple droolworthy Buzz pics. Limit 12 winner sometime tomorrow. I'm going to enjoy Nicky's company as it's below freezing here and my electric blanket is broken. :devil:

Afternoon Ladies

Thanks for the best wishes. I'm right in the middle of moving house hence my absence from the best thread for the last few days. In theory I should be back on line tonight if I manage to dismantle and remantle (is that a word?) this pc tonight and sort out the broadband, although I have to say the last few days have been filled with :wtf: and :eek: and some :p

Have some caps though cos I've missed posting in here.

Just like to say that you're about to play my favourite theme so I'll look forward to some caps when I get back :D
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