George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics#29

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We've come up with our own Nicktionary over the years If you're not sure what we are talking about just ask

See, this is why I generally stick to lurking in this thread. I can never seem to figure out what the theme is. :lol:

*goes back to lurking and looking at the pretty pics* :drool:
Awww...I don't think I can play this wonderful buzz round. :( I went out tonight right after work and am just now getting in and, of course, have a meeting first thing in the morning. :scream:

I can't hear very well right now either...not that that has anything to do with posting pictures. :lol: But I'd better get to bed. I'll play next round!
Stokes4Me you got the theme correct :) We've come up with our own Nicktionary over the years :) If you're not sure what we are talking about just ask :)

George is happy with the theme

Thanks Jacquie! I was too embarrassed to but I've kinda figured "chocloate" and "Stoker":devil:;) already!

Some other themes you may need to be aware of

Open Nick :drool: is Nick wearing open neck shirts. blackflag and I like this theme :drool:Arm Porn is usually something like this but it can also refer to cover arms. A Yoshi favourite. You've also got your vest porn. You really have to be careful of speedy's favourite theme :D and there also the Nick and Greggo theme that some of us like to slip in :D

Thank you once again Jacquie , I appriciate it very much! I looove all the themes (but of course!:drool:) and I can reveal my soft spot for Nick/George in a cap , any which way he wants it!
FieldMouse so good of you to de-lurk :)

Morning y'all :)

It's a darn ripe nippy day today. I think I'll grab me some more of this when I head out the door this morning. We're suppose to get 1-3cm of snow this afternoon. Oh joy for the drive home. The first drive in snow is the worst. People magically forget how to handle the white stuff :brickwall: Fortunately we're late today so it should be easier.

blackflag I hope your new electric blanket has been warming for you :devil:
This stupid computer freezes at the most inconvient times!!! :scream::scream::scream:

Winner time:

Your runners up:
Audrey2419 - anyone ever wonder why Nick never wears yellow?
Jacquie - basic black :drool:
Speedy - Nick always remembers
MsCath - droolworthy :drool:
Bookgirl - TPTB have got to find more reasons to dress him up! :thumbsup:
Stokes4Me - white open Nick, vest, sunnies - almost the perfect pic. :lol:


Princess - Now this could keep me warm this winter. :devil::angel:

This stupid computer freezes at the most inconvient times!!! :scream::scream::scream:

Winner time:

Your runners up:
Audrey2419 - anyone ever wonder why Nick never wears yellow?
Jacquie - basic black :drool:
Speedy - Nick always remembers
MsCath - droolworthy :drool:
Bookgirl - TPTB have got to find more reasons to dress him up! :thumbsup:
Stokes4Me - white open Nick, vest, sunnies - almost the perfect pic. :lol:


Princess - Now this could keep me warm this winter. :devil::angel:


CONGRATS Princess..

I got a cold..and I'm gonna turn in early..night y'all..
Congratulations Princess :D

Hope you feel better soon mfc.

I'm seriously getting hacked off with photobucket :mad: getting rid of all the useful features and adding more drop down menus.

We're not impressed.
Thanks blackflag....I wasn't expecting this honestly.

So ladies you need a about Open Nick or if you prefer a different role or even George himself The usual 12 in 24 or so.

Now if you ladies will excuse me.....I have rather handsome Southern gentleman to attend to. ;)
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