George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics#24

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Here is my last set of five, minus the one Speedy posted while I was watching "Desperate Housewives"! :rolleyes:

Temper And something else that sometimes starts with "N" but could also start with "T" :lol:
Tape recorder
Tail light

ETA: One big ol' fetish!!! LOL! I love it, Speedy!!! :guffaw:
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Good Morning y'all :)

Speedy I like you fetish banner :)

And :):):) are on tap this morning because there is no transit strike :bolian: That threat of a strike will be gone for 3 years and then it starts again :scream: but the only problem may be that we may not have any internet at the store :brickwall: The line that the DSL is connected to died yesterday morning but the good news is that the phone company is working on the problem. So hopefully it will be fixed at some point today.

In the mean time here are some random pics to start the day :)

Sara has just informed Nick about all the banners that are going on in the Ward :lol:
hey look here's one of our fetishes now
yup and another one
smile and shyness all in one
another double whammy here
an this one has a bit for everyone :drool:
Good evening everyone :)

Yup we had no internet at the store today :scream: so I was not able to look, :drool: or :guffaw:at anything. Give me some time to eat and then look at some pics and post a winner. It will be tonight I just not sure when yet :)
Speedy I loveyou fetish banner. He is truly one whole fetish. The only fetish I found missing was his feet.

That could be the WARDs new slogan, we love George from his head down to his toes. :guffaw:Oh man I crack myself up.

Nicky agrees.
Captain, MCB and Yoshi thanks, I'm glad you like the banner. And I'm still drooling over Capt'n Nips banner :drool:

MCB, I was going to put the feet in, just for Smokey (after all, she's the one who inspired me to make the fetish banner), but then I decided not to.

we love George from his head down to his toes
I love it, just love it!

Smokey, thanks again for the help in getting the banner up.

However, I also forgot to put in Little Stoker, so I just may add that and put the feet on there too. ;)
Captain, MCB and Yoshi thanks, I'm glad you like the banner. And I'm still drooling over Capt'n Nips banner :drool:

MCB, I was going to put the feet in, just for Smokey (after all, she's the one who inspired me to make the fetish banner), but then I decided not to.

we love George from his head down to his toes
I love it, just love it!

Smokey, thanks again for the help in getting the banner up.

However, I also forgot to put in Little Stoker, so I just may add that and put the feet on there too. ;)

Might as well! :guffaw: You know, the more I look at those feet.... :devil:
Well we are all fed now so I guess it time Nick got his bags pack for his next trip and where oh where will he go. Lets find out shell we :) You all came up with some very interesting 'T' :)

Runners up

bookgirl for the most innovated use of the letter 'T' :lol: Not what I was expecting when I saw what 'T' stood for :guffaw:
Steph I think the most 'T' in one pic :)
Speedy what's there to say but :drool: fest
MsCB table, tank, tush :) take your pick
Smokey This was oh so close to the winner. Same episode just different scenes. Do you think if they could they would turn back time?

please. The winner is Yoshi This pic summarizes what Nick went through. I always liked this pic. I jsut wish there actually was closure for this Nickisode. Congrats Yoshi Nick's catching the next flight out and may actually be at your house for breakfast if not then afternoon tea anyways :) Enjoy :devil:
Congratulations, Yoshi! :thumbsup:

Cap'n Nip, I love your little drum roll guy! :lol: Now, I wonder if Yoshi is still up to post a theme or if I can get to bed a little early tonight. :)
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