George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics#24

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Kind of surprised you didn't choose "N" for your letter there Cap'n :D

What can I say but I didn't want to make poor Yoshi's over worked brain to have to think more than it is with 'T' :guffaw:

Steph using English/British terms is fine by me :)

Does it bother anybody but me that in these scenes Grissom's flashlight (or torch!) keeps jumping from one hand to the other? I mean, c'mon, it's a Quentin freakin' Tarantino production and the editors can't make sure the shots have continuity?? :wtf:

Okay, now that's out of the way. :)

I have a feeling that "T" will be as hard as "R" was!

Taking aim
Tantalizing! :devil:
And speaking of...Tarantino!

ETA: Okay, and while I'm ranting, WHY do they have a "marathon" on Spike and then just run 4 episodes and repeat them? Why not show 8 episodes? :mad:
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Continuity is a bug bear of mine too Smokey. Warrick being blown over the railings twice in GDC the other week for example. I also remember in the episode Ellie that when Warrick was with Doc Robbins in one scene, his collar kept jumping over and under the protetive clothing he was wearing. I'm not picking on Rick here - it's just how my memory's working tonight :D
There's a website devoted this stuff - I think the CSI section runs to about 8 pages :lol:

Last few pics:

touch (although it would probably be grope if it were me :eek:)
Two Nicks?
Too much information :D
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