George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics#24

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:eek: Jeez ladies. I thought I was immune to shock and blushing anymore.
Our dear Captain's banner prooves me wrong.
Lovely :drool:and certainly distracting, but just a little bit dirrrty, too. In a perfect way. Nice job Smokey!

Yes again I would like to thank MsHandFetish for her wonderful talents.

bookgirl you comment about it being a little bit dirty but in a perfect way remembers me of a commercial that was on TV back in the mid 1990's. The ad was for a TV show called Due South where women office workers were drooling over Paul Gross who played the lead character of Benton Fraser of the RCMP. I look at this as what's good for the goose is good for the gander :guffaw:

The good Cap'n's wish is my command! And yes, my resume does list "nipple cropping" as a special training or skill. :lol:

Ah but MsHandFetish you were the one that started it all by suggesting a banner :D
Smokey I like your number 7.

Yes I had a session with season 2 now I have the urge to cap the episodes I watched. That will have to wait until I stop shovelling paracetamol and tea down my throat though :D

I'm going to stare at this for a bit and then go to bed with a little more season 2.

Good Morning y'all :)

Marns so good to see you :) I hope when school is over for the year you'll be able to visit more often :)

Now some more pics that contradict themselves with regards to a certain banner :D

Nick is clearly wanting one to notice things
but here they are clearly off limits :lol:
here again Nick wants things noticed even if it is in profile. See Sara is noticing :D
but again they are clearly off limits here Nicky make up your mind :lol:

Smokey maybe you should make a banner that has Little Stoker, Hands, Nibbles and Scruff. Now that could be a very interesting job description on a resume :guffaw: I would love to see how you explain that while keeping a straight face :guffaw:
Good Morning y'all :)

Now some more pics that contradict themselves with regards to a certain banner :D

Smokey maybe you should make a banner that has Little Stoker, Hands, Nibbles and Scruff. Now that could be a very interesting job description on a resume :guffaw: I would love to see how you explain that while keeping a straight face :guffaw:

Oh those are great, Cap'n!! :lol: You shouldn't have kept your fetish in the closet for so long! I love how one of the ones in your banner actually has a shadow!! :guffaw:
Well it's that time again ladies when someone wins Nick for a few days. I made sure he got plenty of rest today before the hand off.....but to whom will he be travelling? Well you're about to find out. First thanks everyone for your entries. This was fun. Okay here we go with the runners up:

Smokey One of my fave scenes provided a great entry.
MsCatherineBrown Gorgeous.
stokesgirl Another great's even my avatar.
AC I often have that look on my face.
bookgirl20 They are always giving Greg a hard time.
Yoshi They look like they're plotting something naughty

And now the winner who will receive Nick in due course, refreshed and ready:

Jacquie Everyone start singing Stayin Alive

Enjoy! :devil:
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I would definitely open the door *purr*. But perhaps I'd close it right away again, because I'd think I was going insane :rolleyes: or just pull him in and lock the door :devil:

I never say no to something like this or that knocking at my door... :censored:

(Oh how I love this censored smiley :lol:)
Oh Happy Ward dance I won :) And Princess Nick got here nice and relaxed. I can't guarantee he will leave that way......:devil: but we won't go there on the off chance Destiny is in a hosing mood :D

And the answer to both these questions is yes :) The weather is still unusually warm for this time of April and we ate a late breakfast out on the back deck :)

Oh gosh, Cap'n Jacquie won?! Better pack these for chest protection, Nick! Or one of these, but she'll probably rip that right off of you the minute you walk in the door. :guffaw:

Oh MsHandFetish you did have me laughing on that one :guffaw:

So I guess everyone would like a new theme, eh? So continuing on with our alphabet I Spy game we will have the letter 'T'. Oh I'm sure there will be plenty of this with a side order of what's in the background here and I'm sure plenty of other 'T'. I'm not sure how busy things at the store will be on Monday as Toronto is heading for a Transit strike so lets have 15 in about 30 hours.
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