George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics#24

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Thanks Speedy for my current look :)

You are so welcome! My pleasure. When I saw that pic, I immediately thought: this is perfect for the Captain.

Actually, I'm trying make a bunch of avatars and then some banners that the Ward girls can use if they wish. It's just fun creating them.

When I get a few done, I'll be PMing everyone with a link.

George was having way too much fun with his scenes

Which we just love

and Super Dave too, He was great in this episode

Ok, someone post so I can post again.
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poking a Smokey special ;)

There goes Speedy again, looking for a hosing! :guffaw:

Oh Babs, thank you again for the great caps!!! :D

Okay, here we go...the letter game always makes my brain hurt!

Plastic stirrers
Stinking severe thunder storms keeping me away from posting

First set:
psycho I don't really think so, but hey it's a P word. Did anyone else notice the big ol' belt buckle? Gotta be from Texas to pull that off!
protection I mean the glasses, but its actually just a sad ploy to allow me to post the Mythbusters :)
police officer
How could we not notice the belt buckle when it was framed nicely by that loverly arm porn

belt buckle and porn

Your description of pics look good. I look forward to actually looking at them tomorrow.

bookgirl I think we are suppose to get those storms Saturday afternoon.
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