George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics#24

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Good Morning y'all :)

I will have to go back and look at everyone pics but there are a couple of people that are expecting there wake up calls now. Anyone else want one :guffaw:

hey MsHandFetish you up yet :)
Steph come on I know you're in there, wake up :)

I could use an afternoon wake up call, I'm like George, not a morning person. Then again, I'd get up in the morning (ok, I do on my early days at work) if it meant seeing him. :devil:

Now Capt'n Nip, lets see if we get hosed! ;)
What about me?

I can see pics again.

Spent the last 2 days running the defrag on the hard drive. Yes it took that long. It ran for a while and then said there was an error run scan disk. Then it ran until it was 90% done and my virus scanner downloaded so it had to restart, which I did this morning. At 98% done it said there was another error. Finally it finished.

Smokey I liked your undressing pic by the way :drool:

Ha ha! Thanks! That might have to become an avatar someday. :D

Princess! "Used"! :lol:
Welcome back, Blackflag! We missed you!

And before anyone asks, no I'm not online at work, despite the good Cap'n's best efforts. I have the afternoon off.
Smokey I liked your undressing pic by the way :drool:

Ha ha! Thanks! That might have to become an avatar someday. :D

Princess! "Used"! :lol:
Welcome back, Blackflag! We missed you!

And before anyone asks, no I'm not online at work, despite the good Cap'n's best efforts. I have the afternoon off.

Well, I originally had it as "Icky" but wasn't sure if anyone would know what I was referring to. I hope I don't get hosed for that.
Thank you Jacquie.

Seeing the pics is better than nothing. Believe me, I've had the nothing.

I'm beginning to think there's something screwy with the hard drive or the virus scanner hasn't updated enough times. I ran that scan disk twice last week and it found nothing. This week the scan disk finds things.

Well Speedy consider this your afternoon wake up call :)

So far so good on the not getting hosed part :)

Forget about your posts. You're gonna get hosed for your avi! LOL!

Well Capt'n Nip, Smokey busted us. Shhh, that's what we were talking about. :guffaw:

Ok, I can't wait to look at all these photos tonight. Everyone is getting a kick out of others pics and comments, I can't stand it anymore. But I'll have to since I won't be able to post a winner until later tonight.

And yes, MsHandFetish, I'm at work and I'm multi-tasking again. :vulcan: So don't lecture me! :rolleyes: :guffaw:

Is it just me or is this day going rrreeeeeeaaaaalllllllly slow? Ugh
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