George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics#24

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Well Capt'n Nip, Smokey busted us. Shhh, that's what we were talking about. :guffaw:

Yep! That's me! Always the observant one!

Is it just me or is this day going rrreeeeeeaaaaalllllllly slow? Ugh

Don't worry! Just imagine what you get to come home to tonight! :D Have fun looking at the pics!
Well Speedy consider this your afternoon wake up call :)

So far so good on the not getting hosed part :)

Forget about your posts. You're gonna get hosed for your avi! LOL!

Well Capt'n Nip, Smokey busted us. Shhh, that's what we were talking about. :guffaw:

Is it just me or is this day going rrreeeeeeaaaaalllllllly slow? Ugh

Speedy I'm glad you liked you wake up call but I'm hoping the real thing was better than a pic :devil: And we will certainly not call MsHandFetish pokey anymore as she's the only one that's busted us so far :guffaw:

And yes today has dragged on forever. At least we have someone to entertain us in 2 plus hours :)
Now just a warning for all you early birds, Friday is one of my mornings that I get to sleep in :) So don't expect any wake up calls before 7:30 :)

Good Night
Well, can I just say Nick was so :drool: tonight!! I loved this episode

Anyways, I know you're all waiting in anticipation sooooooooo

Runners up:
MsCatherineBrown the neck, the shirt, the stare, the look *thud*
Princess Ah that profile and the sly smile
Bookgirl Nick and that puppy dog look :drool:
Smokey This was so close, man, he is just HOT in this pic and yes those hands...:drool:

Also another special mention to Smokey for this

Which leaves the winner to be Jacquie He really does look so angelic in this pic and I don't what it is about this pic. I mean besides, the buzz, the neck, etc. etc.

So congratulations Capt'n! Nick will be waiting for you to get up with a cup of coffee! Enjoy! I know you will! :thumbsup:
Thanks for the wakeup call, Yoshi! Now I know why Cap'n Jacquie needed to sleep in this morning! She's resting up so she can spend the rest of the day with Nick! Congratulations! :thumbsup:
you just got to love this little guy and this one
even more :guffaw: and oh what a pleasant surprise to see this on my doorstep when I got up this morning :drool: and Deirdre those open Nick pics were georgeous :) I think the only thing better than two buttons undone is to have this :drool: but you all know how my mind works anyways :guffaw:

So onto the next theme. I think I will stay with the I Spy idea :) and this time with the letter 'P' I'm sure there will be plenty to entertain yourselves with while Nick and I play around and then get down to some serious work :devil: (I see our devil has changed). So lets have 18 pics in at least 30 hours. I'm working Saturday and I don't know if I will be able to announce the winner while I'm at the store. Damn customers interfering in Ward business :lol:

So I won't be accused of forgetting my morning duties

Wakey Wakey everyone :guffaw:
Hi all, it's just not working for me lately to join in the game sorry...But I found time for caps...Hope you all like them..Just CLICK HERE
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