George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics#24

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Last set:
[URL=""]Golden Globes[/URL]
goofing off
And some "Q" pics for Speedy. Just to share the love

queen :D
[URL=""]quadruped (big word for a four legged animal per Websters)[/URL]
Dear MsHandFetish's Boss,

Smokey would like you to consider getting an internet provider for the bank. It will greatly speed up her work her in The Ward. I have been assured by Smokey that she only plans to do bank related stuff while on line. You won't see her looking at any pictures of a georgeous Texan that plays Nick Stokes. Oh yeah I forgot to mention that your bank customers will find a much happy Smokey when she looks at Nick. Also having internet in the bank will speed up customer service.

Yours Truly
Capt'n Jacquie
Capt'n Nibs :)

ps Smokey consider this your morning wake up call. Tuesdays I get to sleep in :)
Smokey some of us work and take care of all things Nick at the same time :)
Smokey, if there is one thing I can do, its multi-task!

You girls made this really hard on me. Many pics I haven't seen before. Oh, I tell you, I don't know what is easier, posting the pics or having to pic a winner.

I wish I could pick all of you, but I guess I can't :(

Now on to the runners up because I know you're all anxious

Jacquie Because, well, I really wish I was Wendy too. However, she's behaving more than I would have. :devil:
McCatherineBrown That "healthy man love" and Gary looks so wasted in this pic. :lol:
Smokey Never seen this pic and Nick looks like "Can we get out of here now?"
bookgirl Well, its just :drool:
Adorable Crazy :drool: That about says it all.

Now for the winner I'm going to have to go with Princess again. I've never seen this pic and that smile, its enough to make a girl swoon and the buzz. Oh he looks so HOT!

So congratulations Princess and to all of you for all the great pics. Nicky is on his way Princess, a little worn out, but he can handle it.
I won? Wow. Thanks. I'll be waiting for Nick to arrive but while I do here's your next theme:

Nick and a detective 15 in 30 hours or so. Happy hunting.
I wanted to post some pictures for the theme, but I realized I have no detectives in my photobucket, just Nick. :D Maybe next time.
Cap'n, thanks so much for the letter! I really am going to send it to her. :lol: I slept in a bit this morning myself.

Congratulations on the win, Princess!
I'll be back this evening with some pics.
Oh yes I will snag. :) Recently my computer started to hate me and I lost all my pictures of everything.. I'm so glad most of them were on Photobucket.. but not all. :(
Just when I had everything coming up! (Very Slowly) I come back from my photobucket and now I don't. This is driving me nuts!

I'm going to post anyways. This is your warning a good 4 of you could post between when I start and when I finish (it's that slow).

Theme pics:
Det. Cavalier
Det. Jim Brass
Det. Sam Vega

If things work right there might be more. If things don't work right there might be more. I'm getting bored with just deleting Temporary Internet Files that aren't deleting themselves!

Nice Nick pics. BTW in the first Brass/ Nick pic that Adorable_Crazy posted, Nick wears a very cool jacket. He had it on in the episode "Drops' Out". Loved it!!! ;)

Quick answer: Vartann was a detective!
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