George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics#24

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Hooray, Blackflag is back!

Multi-Tasking again, here's my first batch:

Sure Nicky catches the guy and Brass takes all the credit :guffaw:
Brass 2
Nick and Brass again Cause I'm still a moron and now I probably duped someone.
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hi Jacquie :)

Yorkshire was great. A mutual friend was up there from London which is why I did a return visit so quickly. I stayed an extra night I was enjoying myself so much - wasn't keen on the stupidly early hour I had to leave at in the morning though to get to work on time. :scream:

pic 7
pic 8
pic 9
pic 10
pic 11
pic 12

ETA Stokesgirl, I think it's Keppler but I could be wrong.
Unfortunately that's it too! I can't even get the pics to show up now. Oh how I did like seeing the pics for the last 3 days or so.

eta: Smokey see if you had the internet at work she would have been able to see the pics :)

Well, she does have internet, but apparently the Photobucket page is blocked. She actually tried to get me full access a while back (because she always has to have me look stuff up for her anyway!) and it was going to take an act of God to get it, so we gave up. :rolleyes:

Before she would even CLICK on those links she's like, "You promise these aren't going to get me in trouble?" :lol: I think it was the phrase, "MsHandFetish" that scared her!

Second set!
More Brass
Can you handle more Brass?
Are you sure? (I wrote something here about Nick's thumb, but I thought Destiny might come after me!) :D
New Vega 'Cause I duped Speedy!
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Smokey if MsHandFetish scares her what do you think she would say about my loverly nipple banner you made :)
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