George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics#24

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I won? Oh, Happy Ward Dance!

Thanks everyone and Jacquie I'll let both pics stand as they are! How am I suppose to figure it out? :)

Now I can FINALLY use one of my letters. So lets go with the letter "G". Monday's one of my late nights at work, so lets say 15 in 30 hours.

So gimmee gimmee
lots of Nicky, Georgie, etc.

Blackflag you joining us this time? If not, hurry back! Glad you're getting a new computer though.
Oh I see how you roll Speedy. We hand you "Q" all nice and giftwrapped and you don't even take it. The nerve!
Just kidding ;) Glad you finally got a letter you wanted.

First set:
[URL=""]Hey they all have George in them![/URL]
Grim Reaper not sure if thats what it really is, but it looks close enough for me!
[URL=""]Gil Grissom and Greg[/URL]
More Greg Oh I like the letter G. G is a very good letter
While my brain is still functioning here are a couple more theme pics

girl and guy

More tomorrow. Have a good night ladies and Speedy don't wear out Nick to much :devil:
Oh Speedy I love your dancing man. I will definitely have to snag that one if it's not in the collection you gave us the link to. And the funny thing is I can't stand John Travolta but that is jsut so classic :)

Captain, you'll have to snag it. It took me a loooooonnnnnggggg time to find that pic and don't remember where I got it. I had to find it for when that pic of Nick and Warrick walking was posted.

Oh and don't worry I will take VERY GOOD care of Nicky! :devil:

Sure Bookgirl, you two give me "Q", but I see you get all the easy letters. Gift wrapped, I'm sure! :rolleyes: :guffaw:

Oh and Smokey? I saw you're funny little comment over at the Quiz thread:
Ah, but that's the letter you'll GET after we use up all your other ones!
Funny lady aren't ya? :p :guffaw:

You two girls just remember these little comments of yours when it's time for me to pick a winner.

These girls, always picking on one another. What am I going to do?
Oh and Smokey? I saw you're funny little comment over at the Quiz thread:
Ah, but that's the letter you'll GET after we use up all your other ones!
Funny lady aren't ya? :p :guffaw:

You two girls just remember these little comments of yours when it's time for me to pick a winner.

Ah well, if it gets me nice pics like those you just posted, it's worth it! :)

GEE, Speedy, what a great letter choice! Here is my first set of G pics for you!

Gas pump

ETA: I just noticed in that first pic that Brass is trying to be all "sexy hands" like Nick with his sleeve pulled down! :lol:
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