George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics#24

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Steph I hope things get themselves sort out at school. Exam time is never easy
Thank you hon, I know it really sucks... Thank goodness I only have 2 more weeks until I get off for study leave...

Gorgeous pics here by the way, sorry I wasn't able to take part, cause I had work this evening, will take part in the next one. :D Looking forward to it. :D

Oh you brave soul to have this in your collection :guffaw:

One must take the rough with the (very) smooth :D

be my guest
Well I'm giving making screen caps a go and I will say it takes a lot of patience. Something I don't have some times especially when one of these guys is trying to help. I let you figure out for yourself which is the problem one :guffaw:Anyways let me know what you think :)

pic 1
pic 2
Great caps Jacquie - I've nabbed them both. :D
It's a labour of love when you're trying to capture a specific moment, look or gesture.

As you know

Just posting this because it's one of my own that I really like


Thanks Yoshi :) One quick question though. When you are trying to capture a specific shot do you use regular speed or do you us a slower speed. The one part I find annoying is you think you have the cap you want and the shot doesn't stop exactly where I want it. It seems to slip for a second or two and I lose the shot :scream: :brickwall:
Oh, thank you all for the BEEE-you-ti-ful B pics! :D Time for the winners before we all head to our TV sets for the evening!

Only five players this time...sorry about the short time frame!

Speedy Bloody hell, that's a great sight in the morning! :guffaw:
Cap'n Jacquie I think I love this pic/scene as much as you do! :D
Bookgirl He's got kind of a baby bird head thing going here. :)
Yoshi Head to toe, one big fetish! :lol:

And the winner....MsCath! Something about this one just hit the spot this evening. :thumbsup: Congratulations! And yes, I'll be sending Nick on his way before the night is over. Have fun!
Sweet I won, bin a while since thats happened. :lol: I had a good feeling about that pic when I posted it. Its one of my personal favorites. Smokey thanks for sending Nicky over so promptly. :D

Since we had such a great episode tonight. Nicky looked very yummy. Lets do a Season Eight theme. Lets say 15 in 24 hours. And some creative captions on the pics if it not to much trouble.:)
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