George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics#24

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I'm stumped on a theme idea, so I guess I'll pick a letter too. How about things that start with "B"? Gee, I hope Speedy wasn't wanting that letter too! :guffaw: 15 in about 24 hours. That way I can post the winners before the new episode starts tomorrow night (at least in my time zone!). :D Happy hunting!

Bloody hell Smokey, would you stop stealing my letters. I was going to use "B" next time I won. :scream: Man, at this rate, you're going to take all the letters I want. :rolleyes: I'm thinking of another letter, *note to self: stop thinking of that letter so Miss ESP (aka MsHandFetish) doesn't keep stealing it* :guffaw:

First batch:
blue coveralls
burned out car
best friend :(
Bloody hell Smokey, would you stop stealing my letters. I was going to use "B" next time I won. :scream: Man, at this rate, you're going to take all the letters I want. :rolleyes: I'm thinking of another letter, *note to self: stop thinking of that letter so Miss ESP (aka MsHandFetish) doesn't keep stealing it* :guffaw:

I didn't steal your letter the first time! That was Bookgirl. It's a conspiracy. :evil:

Arrrrgh! What does it take to get that :censored: Circuit City ad to quit popping up?! :scream:

Happy thoughts...happy thoughts...most excellent new episode tomorrow night. :)
Bloody hell Smokey, would you stop stealing my letters. I was going to use "B" next time I won. :scream: Man, at this rate, you're going to take all the letters I want. :rolleyes: I'm thinking of another letter, *note to self: stop thinking of that letter so Miss ESP (aka MsHandFetish) doesn't keep stealing it* :guffaw:

I didn't steal your letter the first time! That was Bookgirl. It's a conspiracy. :evil:

Jeez Smokey thanks for selling a girl out. I was going to fess up to the original "theft" but Speedy was dropping the bloody hells so I didn't want to invite her wrath.
Speedy just to show that we have nothing but good intentions we'll save the letter Q for you. So you can have quiet, and quaint, and quit and....lots of other words I'm sure.

Last B pics:
blasting cap
Jeez Smokey thanks for selling a girl out. I was going to fess up to the original "theft" but Speedy was dropping the bloody hells so I didn't want to invite her wrath.
Speedy just to show that we have nothing but good intentions we'll save the letter Q for you. So you can have quiet, and quaint, and quit and....lots of other words I'm sure.

Bloody hells, indeed! I'm sorry, but I couldn't risk the wrath either. :eek: "Q"!! See, aren't we nice to you, Speedy?? I can't wait to see a quaint picture of Nick. Or maybe one with a quilt? Or a quill pen. Gee, are all of the "Q" words ancient? :lol:

Oh tonight's the night we get New Nick :) Oh I'm so excited about this episode. We should get lots of Nick :) :)

And with his gun drawn! Looks very exciting! :D
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Jeez Smokey thanks for selling a girl out. I was going to fess up to the original "theft" but Speedy was dropping the bloody hells so I didn't want to invite her wrath.
Speedy just to show that we have nothing but good intentions we'll save the letter Q for you. So you can have quiet, and quaint, and quit and....lots of other words I'm sure.

Bloody hells, indeed! I'm sorry, but I couldn't risk the wrath either. :eek: "Q"!! See, aren't we nice to you, Speedy?? I can't wait to see a quaint picture of Nick. Or maybe one with a quilt? Or a quill pen. Gee, are all of the "Q" words ancient? :lol:

Oh tonight's the night we get New Nick :) Oh I'm so excited about this episode. We should get lots of Nick :) :)

And with his gun drawn! Looks very exciting! :D

Oops, I'm so sorry Smokey, I have the worse memory! However, you did steal this letter.

Let me restate: *note to self: stop thinking of that letter so both Miss ESP's don't keep stealing it*

My internet was not working last night and I can't begin to tell you how :censored: mad I am. Ok, you all know how :censored: mad I am. Don't you just love modern technology. :scream:

Now maybe, I can post my final three:

boxers yeah, it's what you think :devil:

For accusing Smokey for the first letter stealing
There's a lot of :scream: and :censored: going on in here today. I thought that was just me getting caught in thunder, lightning and hail in Manchester for work.
Didn't think I'd get a chance to post today so here goes:

beckon I'm there already!
blue boy
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