blackflag yes the avatar making is fun I haven't ventured into anything elaborate and that's because I don't know how. Simple has always worked for me. Also I know what it's like to medicate a cat. Not fun. Have you ever tried or heard of Pill Pockets. They are a soft treat that you put the pill in the middle of and hopefully the cat will take the pill while he's eating the treat.
Pic 7 hold it steady now Pic 8 Pic 9 don't drop it! Pic 10 easy tiger Pic 11 can my hands do what your hands are doing? Please? Pic 12 really long fingers
OK I don't know if you ladies liked that theme, but you made my day with some of those pictures!
The runners up- blackflag He's thinking "Hmmm neck, arm, hands. I wonder what body part the Ward is going to do a theme for next?" :devil: Jacquie The boy's always on the phone! Good thing he makes it look good. blackflag What is this from? I love it! Yoshi See the great thing about nice hands is they come attached to nice arm porn Jacquie Love the look, love the ring, love the fidgety twisting of the ring
And the winner is Yoshi! I'm partial to the hand in front of the face shots too. Cause you get the best of both worlds. Besides it makes Nicky look all mischievous
You made me go back and look, bookgirl. That's from Season 1 Table Stakes. The other hand his Catherine handing him her ear ring. I stocked up a couple of months ago on caps of his hands just waiting for this theme. :lol:
wow! New tread....seems i've been neglecting my GE addiction, that is just not right. But it's report card season and i'm sick of looking at my computer. So i am taking in as much GE as i can this afternoon since i only have one student in my classroom :lol: (what a joke). Liking what i am seeing as always. :devil:
It's so very, very cold here tonight - I need warming up.
I'd just like to add to what Jacquie said - every theme is a good theme. Good to see you around again Maryse - nice cookies.
So - hair. Good hair day or bad hair day? I want some Nick pics where you think his hair is looking particularly good. (I know that's pretty much every day, but lets pretend we do quality control.) I'll be back to pick my favourites from yours in about 28-30 hours, no doubt popping in for a drool inbetween.