George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics #21

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Dalnabe said:
Hey bookgirl20, from which movie or series is your picture hair 10? Never seen that before.

I'm not bookgirl, but I believe her #10 pic is from ER.

Jacquie, I agree. I think season 7 buzz was shorter than season 5 buzz. I also think that for the most part season 5 wardrobe went better with the buzz than season 7 wardrobe. Season 7 did have its good looks. I liked the buzz with both the white shirt and black shirt in Meet Market, but all-in-all I think season 5 buzz was better.

I agree on Pic10 it's from ER.

blackflag I agree on the clothes for season 5. This is so much better wiht the buzz than this . But we got some nice porn from season 7 that we didn't seem to get with season 5. Don't forget this nice shirt for season 7. Although season 5 gave us this little number and my wallpaper :D :)
Buzz and black shirt from Meet Market. Oooooh yes. Although I love the Fannysmackin get up as well.I'm loathe to change my avatar because of this :D

Absolutely gorgeous pics and quite a few I don't have - thank you. :)

Those running up:
bookgirl he's looking really good this season. Others have commented on the white shirt/vest combo reminiscent of season 6 - bring it on!
blackflag I don't have this - him so pretty.
bookgirl lovely sidies and the lil fella :D
blackflag :D
babs after the buzz, this is when I most want to touch.

The winner is Jacquie with a great pic of the buzz and some black leather. I like the look on his face here - those eyes.

Again thank you all - especially with all the extra pics explaining the love of specific cuts with specific outfits in particular seasons. You lot made my day :D
Nick's on his way over - well wrapped because it's freezing here. :)
Wow what a nice surprise after a rainy drive home to find out I won :) Nick arrived safely and is a welcome treat while I'm still suffering with this cold. As usual it has landing in my throat. My bark is worse than my bite. Don't worry I won't infect Nick with the germs. No onto the new theme. Let's have a black and white theme. George, Nick and company wearing black and white. Both colours have to be present. The usual 12 in 24. Happy hunting while I snuggle with Nick on a damp Friday evening :devil:
Afternoon all :)

It's horrible here today - cold, wet and windy. So I think I'll settle down with the pc for a while with some Nick and fic. :D

A monochrome theme I see.

Pic 1
Pic 2 cuteness overload!
Pic 3 yes please :devil:
Pic 4 hi lil fella!
Pic 5 bad man in B & W
Pic 6 black shirt white gloves
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