Fantastic pics everyone. I'd say they all win, but I shudder to see what the ward would look like when you finished fighting it out. :lol:
Your runners up:
Babs - I just like Gus!
Yoshi - A little bit of fuzz never hurt anyone.
bookgirl - I'm not exactly sure why I can't take my eyes off this one. :lol:
Babs again - I had trouble choosing which
Dead Ringer but I only had room for 1.
Jacquie - You knew I'd go for this one and you made it close too! :lol:
Your winner is:
Yoshi - A very nice, well fitting, white shirt. How could I resist.
I'll send Nicky right too you. I think things get a little hectic around here for him.
Finally things slow down. Thomas kitty is back home and we'll know the results of his biopsy in a week. Mom called the scrap company and ranted about the tow truck and it was here 10 minutes later. Christopher may end up writing his report over the weekend and getting half credit on it. The city finally took care of the leaking hydrant up the street so we don't have a skating rink to cross at the top of the hill! Best of all Victoria is out of special education and is considered a normal student for the first time.
ETA: I liked your pic so much,
Yoshi, that I've made a new avatar out of it.