George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics #21

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Well done bookgirl :)

Sorry to hear about work. I work in social care myself and I know it has the real potential to drive you nuts. As a psychologist in my former post, it's a case of physician heal thyself. :D

Theme time:

Pic 1 talking with his hands again
Pic 2 just a little scary
Pic 3 doing what most of us want to do ;)
Pic 4 G-g-g-g-go!
Pic 5 storming out of the bad doctor's house
Pic 6 all in a day's work
We don't do too badly over here for repeats if you have cable/satellite. On a good night you can see maybe 5 different episodes of CSI, not counting Miami or NY.

Pic 7 running on air
Pic 8 searching high and low
Pic 9 yes - he's walking here - I looked long and hard to establish the fact :p
Pic 10 and walking away here
Pic 11 and here too
Pic 12 and a change of direction as he strides forth - arm porn too ;)
Thanks for the pictures ladies! They (and Nick of course) really turned around a crappy day. :D
Yoshi I couldn't fit it in but your #12- good grief!

The runners up:
blackflag I also like this view :lol:
Jacquie Well we knew he was fly, but did you know he could?
blackflag Ok starting to appreciate my job
Yoshi Maybe a girl shouldn't complain about a little running around
Jacquie ...or about a bad day

Winner!: Jacquie Especially when there's such nice ways to brighten it :)
Good Morning y'all :)

And it is good seeing as I won :) After seeing which pic won and seeing Nick in that white shirt last night with those muscles..... :devil: All I'm saying is I'm glad there is a screen between us :devil: So onto a new theme. Since those muscles where good last night how about George, Nick and company with muscles. I will leave it up to you as to what type of muscle you would like to post :) The usual 12 in about 23 hours. I will announce the winner before I go to work on Saturday.

just something for me to nibble on while you are busy posting pics :D
Congratz on winning Jacquie...sorry not joining this theme...The little one is sick again :( something with his troath...he has antibicotic now...

A little later than normal but ladies just CLICK HERE for caps from last night eppi...hope you enjoy ....
Thanks for the caps Babs. I had to see that shirt.

I did.

To continue the theme pics:

Pic 7 he knows we're checking out muscles everywhere
Pic 8 can't help myself :eek:
Pic 9 pecs and arm porn - ahhhhhhhh
Pic 10 this back too bookgirl
Pic 11 obvious choice but well worth it lol
Pic 12 lil fella saying hi again
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