George/Nick:Syndrome Ward Pic Thread #17

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Welcome back Kito! Be sure and take a break from school tomorrow and join us for GE's bday bash! We're all gonna go on strike from our jobs and spend the day snuggling Nicky in the Ward! :D
*slapping my forehead* WAAAH! :eek: Nearly forgotten! For sure I´m joining you. At least I have free in the late afternoon ( well, for me it´s afternoon :))
Till tomorrow girls!
Babs said

don't blame us Cathwillows, we can't help it the man is so cute and hot
no i would never blame you! it is always good to see as many pics of him as possible! :devil:
please don't ever stop posting them! but i'm sure we'll never run out of pics right?! ;)
[/QUOTE] no i would never blame you! it is always good to see as many pics of him as possible! :devil:
please don't ever stop posting them! but i'm sure we'll never run out of pics right?! ;)

[/QUOTE] :lol: we run out of pics? No I don't think that will never happen :D
Kito welcome back :lol: sure now i know glad that your back. Till tomorrow and don´t forget tomorrow George Eads Birthday party look at George/Nick:texan charm :)

cathwillows oh yea i have a compassion with you :lol: take them all :lol:
My you wardgirls have been busy today :) cathwillows take a couple of extra buckets with you when looking at the pics. You may need some sunglasses because of the whiteness of the teeth :)

I'm so looking forward to the party tomorrow :) and welcome back to the ward Kito. It sounds as though school is busy but I hope it is going well :)
thanks for the advice Jacquie but unfortunately it's a bit too late for that!
i already see little stars and flashlights infront of my eyes because of his beaming teeth! :lol:
i think i'll announce the winner in about an hour if that's ok with you....
Blackflag that´s really nice, i´ve seen that not before thanks :) but nobody has seen my newest? or are not so new? *hmmm* i´ve set the cute bye-bye pic once more her :) he is sooo cute there think he´s been looking so after the ward party tomorrow :lol:
Stoky nice pics. :)
i think i haven't seen the last one you posted, but the others seem familiar to me
though i'm not quiet sure. but i know i've seen the one with marg and gary!
thanks cathwillows i sai it, i don´t know if the most are new pics :) but ok, i can´t every day found new pics :lol:
alright! the time has come to pick a winner. it was so tough to find the best pic but i believe i was successful. every posted pic deserves to win but there can only be one winner, so...

runners up:
blackflag , can anyone look more disgusted?! :lol:
Babs , little stoker AND teeth are always an irresistible combination!
i just found out that there actually is a more disgusted look, the one that Jacquie gave us.
i really like nick in the pic from OnlyTruth , teeth + glasses.
i fell in love with Marns' pic! i am speechless! ;)

and the winner is: Yurek !!! that picture is awesome! his shining eyes, that beautiful face, the colours in the pic...EVERYTHING is perfect. very well done! Congratz Yurek! take good care of our beloved boy!

and to the others, Stoky your bunny is really good. Elsie the smile in the lovely white shirt almost blew me away ;)

ok i'm done! thanks for your pics and keep up the good work!
Yurek congrats on winning. That whole scene with Sage is awesome. You can see Nick wants to say something but is too manly to want to admit it. I look forward to seeing what theme you'll give us on George's birthday :)
really nice pic and congrats on winning Yurek now give us a nice theme and think about Georges bday :)

i´m off now wish y´ll very nice evening and later nice Nicky Dreams ;)

and Georgy be primed for your 40th very hard Birthday attack :lol:

night Ward
Stoky that pic of him sleeping! Too cute. It looks like he's snuggling under that blue woobie he mentioned in 'King Baby!'

and congrats Yurek! Maybe I'll have time to play tomorrow...I'll be sitting at a desk all day, I fear...maybe handling dispatch calls. Yuck.
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