George/Nick:Syndrome Ward Pic Thread #17

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LOL...well, it's not that I go to work and TRY to get just kinda happens. Most days I end up with scratches, cuts, bruises, a broken nail or two!

Told you it was a crazy week, with a few homocides, domestics, et al. Got myself a nice blow to the head taking someone down, then, since we were on a patch of ice, lost my footing when the guy went down and we all went with him...nice little cop mosh pit! Unfortunately I was on the bottom, hit my head on the pavement and everyone landed on me!

They tell me I made a nice cushion for the rest of them though! :D
Hy McStokes you´re back :D eta: McStokes sais
They tell me I made a nice cushion for the rest of them though!
:lol: sorry that´s funny imagination. But i hope you´re well soon :)

specially for you McStokes ;)

what a weired day, first my photobucket crash down no pics, than this forum :lol: oh oh, hope now it´s ok

Marns vacations are unfortunately every time over
for you school beginning :)
NOOOOOO! Vacation is over! :eek: Back to school tomorrow.. :eek:

Hi McStokes! :) Hope you're well soon!

I think I posted this before.. Oh well, it's George.
We all love him so I'll just post it again. George with glasses is so cute!
He looks good with them.

Glasses :)
Babs, actually got 4 pics to close before the computer froze.

Ten minutes of 8 tomarrow morning can't come fast enough. February vacation week is noisy around here.

Your runners up:

Yurek - need more than the sunglasses off to seem innocent Nicky
Jacquie - :) someone remembered I like this one
Stoky - don't know why, and I don't even remember what ep it's from, I just like it
Softcake - you guys gave me so many Fallen Idols pics it was hard to choose
Babs - no jacket theme would be complete without the leather jacket from Snakes

Your winner is:

Jacquie - You could have been the winner and all the runners up I took so many pics. Warm jacket, soft collar. It just about what we need around here right now. Next 2 days it's supposed to snow but we're supposed to go only 2 to 4 inches from it.

This is a reminder I am placing in all picture threads, if it does not pertain to you or your thread, well you can't say you weren't informed. :)

Hey guys lets try adding a touch more discussion regarding the pictures, one word replies or just posting the pictures really doesn't help this thread is for both the pictures and the discussion of them.

Also I would like to place a quick reminder that over use of letters, smilies, ect are really frowned upon. So as not to be misunderstood here is an example.

(To avoid a screen stretch I will do this abit differently)
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Good: OOOOMMMMGGGG!!!! :D :D :D :D

Notice That I accompliced the samething in four letters as it would in eight letters. Stretching the screen does NOT make for a happy mod, or members and over use of smilies samething.

One word replies are considered Spamming, same really as is posting just a pic and no discussion about it. As I said before ALL picture threads are for both Pictures and Discussions of said picture.
ok, read and understood! thanks for the reminder! :)
and now back to the topic....congratz on winning Jacquie :D the jacket looks pretty cool and warm at the same time ;)
we all know nicky's in good hands now ;)
Thanks Destiny for your reminder :) it´s ok

congrats on winning Jaqcuie really cute pic :D and i´ll agree with cathwillows give us a nice new theme :)
blackflag said:
Stoky - don't know why, and I don't even remember what ep it's from, I just like it

The episode is $35k OBO from season 1. That's the same episode as Nick holding the cat :)

Oh happy ward dance. I need to keep moving to keep warm. The power was only off for 3.5hrs this morning and although the temp in the house is back to normal I think the house itself is still cold. So the next theme I would like to see is Nick and company outside where it is nice and sunny :) The limit is 12 and I will pick a winner in about 24 hours. Happy Nick hunting.

Destiny thanks for the reminder :)
Yurek aren't the first pic and the second one the same?
when i open them i see warrick and nick in the desert both times.... ;)
*ok the first pic is much better now :devil:
cathwillows said:
Yurek aren't the first pic and the second one the same?
when i open them i see warrick and nick in the desert both times.... ;)

Oops...yes. I posted that pic twice. Wasn't my intention. ^^ I changed the first pic now. I wanted to post Nick alone and now he's alone on the first pic. :)

Thanks for telling! :)
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