George/Nick:Syndrome Ward Pic Thread #16

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I think that's the second time he had a gun pulled on him. I remember reading that some Hell's Angel went after him and his Mom at their house one night...seems the guy was a little angry with GE's Dad (a District Attorney) for putting one his friends away. Kicked in the door and basically scared the hell out of him...think he was only 13 at the time. :eek:
Whaaaat? Really? 13? And then the fact he works with guns now.. (or at least ones that are fake.. :lol:)
Yup...just a yung-'in. Well, he grew up around guns, his Dad taking him hunting, etc. I believe his Dad's response to the "break in" was to get mad at GE for not shooting the guy since he knew darn well how to use the gun he had retrieved and brought back to the door to threaten the guy!

Ah...gotta love tough Texans!
My, you guys have been busy! Love it! I just came home from work, and first thing I'm doing is checking into the Ward :D
I like the idea of creating new words. How about nickylicious? :D
Ha! Yeah, that one had me laughing my be-hind off when a UPS guy stopped by the other day and said "I have a package delivery!"

Poor man was just looking at me like I had lost my mind! :lol:
Hy Guys, ready with training and now i´m strong and out puu
nee now Nicky dose

Softcake sais
And the Package Delivery Don't forget about that
you´re evil Lady :devil: :lol:

what i´m reading here? GE in age of 13 with a gun? must defending his mom and himself? omg poor boy.

new word´s hou, i must thinking about new words oh no wait
it´s from Softcake too i remember :devil: "tools":lol:

eta: poor Softcake she tells me for a fiew minutes that she had to dippy her feet now she needs Nicky for this night. You can Nicky have for a comfortable massage :D
for Softcake think that girl are you ;) and get well soon

it´s late and im tired so i wish y´ll
and sweet
Nicky Dreams :devil:

sleep very well Guys
Oh, Stoky that's so cute! Thank you! Yeah, I sprained my ankle today (told you office jobs are dangerous :lol:) and I'm hobbling around like - well... get the picture :D

*grabs Nicky and shoves him off to the bedroom to warm the sheets* :devil:
I usually just lurk, but you all are so friendly I think I will start posting. Not good at posting pics,but hope I can join in.
This is very aggravating. :mad: I'm here but this is very temporary. This is the first time I've had any sort of internet connection working since Sunday. Everything is going so slow I know I'm not going to have anything tomarrow. You'll hear from me tomarrow if I get anything to work correctly.

Welcome nickfan23 :D you´re here in good company and sure you can join and come in :D have fun. We´re all friendly and don´t bite you ;)

Blackflag poor :( hope you´re tomorrow staying here and your computer is ok.

Sure i wont sleep for awhile, but i can´t however :lol: but now i´m really off and good night ;)
McStokes said:
I believe his Dad's response to the "break in" was to get mad at GE for not shooting the guy since he knew darn well how to use the gun

I think what Daddy Eads was trying to ingrain into his son (I am not sure that he even now understands it) is that if you pull a gun you better be ready to shoot. If you are pulling a gun and are not ready to shoot it you could put yourself in much more danger by just threatening someone. If they even have an inkling that you are not prepared to shoot, then they have the control of the situation and he could be in even more danger. I'll bet that McStokes can attest to that truth.

I know that my father taught me that at a very young age and, even though I am an adult and believe in people having the right to have a gun, I choose not to, because I know that if I did have one I would never be ready to shoot the person.

It is kind of nice when we get a peek into what makes George Eads, George Eads. I wish that sometimes we could get just a few more. Now since this is a picture thread,

An early episode
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