George/Nick:Syndrome Ward Pic Thread #16

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I've had to log in to photobucket for awhile now but I only do it if I'm going to be downloading pics or moving them around. Since I organized my pics my season it's alot easier looking for pics now :)

blackflag my computer also freezes up occassionaly and it does usually happen when I'm about read to submit my post. I think Bill Gates is jealous of our nickylicous Nick :lol:
McStokes this is for you I didn't want to be left out of the pink parade :)and I had intended to post this before you thanks to blackflag and OT :)
Ah, photobucket. It is very strange sometimes! :lol:

Nice green pics everyone, all the ones I've got have been used so no new pics from me.

Nice new avatar Babs, unfortunately it is above the file size maximum so will likely be removed by autoadmin. .GIF avatars need to be below 60kb and yours is 75kb. It is super pretty though! :)

eta: thanks Stoky about my LJ, very nice of you to say. Of course you may comment in it, that's what it is there for. ;)
Jacquie you think Bill Gates lurks here, too? :lol: That would explain a lot of stuff Windows is doing to me.
Found another pink one
guess that was McStokes :D
:lol: :lol: OMG Softcake That one made me laugh so loud and so hard! Not quite my shade (I'm a redhead) but it'll do!
Softcake that´s really phantastic :lol: McStokes what have you done with Nicky :lol: he looks so happy

eta: now i´m off have a date with Nicky Meet Market ;) see y´ll later
The first pic you posted, Jemma (hope it's okay to call you like that since your screen name is - long ;)) is so beyond words cute.
Usually I think Nick is all manly and strong and alpha ( :devil:) but whenever I see this pic I want to hug him and make sure everything is alright *sighs*
Spent an hour playing in my photobucket and then had to come here and see if I screwed up any of the links to my theme pics. I forgot which ones I posted. Is it Friday yet! :eek: Between kids and cats I think I'm loosing my mind.

Marns said: What time is it in America now? I have no idea.. Here it's 4:50 pm.. :D
Here ya go, at the time you said the time where you are was 4:50 pm. At the sametime your post was time stamped, "Tue Feb 06 2007 10:51 AM" Course I am on east coast time to, So the stamps might reflect that. If that helps at all. ;)
Sorry all, I know you are waiting for a winner. Got called in on an officer assist call which can either be very ugly, or very stupid. Tonight's was potentially ugly, but is now under control (Sarge says "hey" to "all the loonies!"

Give me a sec to review the entries and I'll be right back!
McStokes that´s ok, :) you´ve much working we all have time enough :lol: but you must hard working. And hy Sarge waves for you :D

eta: sorry Guys must going off now, i´m tired and in 5 hrs the night for me is over :lol: and btw. i get some new DSL 6000, possible, i´m not so quick come back :)

specially for your hard working McStokes for relaxing and for Sarge nice lady and the rest of Wardladys sweety sweety Nicky
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