Gary#5 "Houston...We Have A Hottie!"

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All those pics are amazing, bumblebee. The man is so hot! My favourites are the 'so hot' one and the Cubs fan one, and the tush one....Well, I love all of 'em, actually.:drool:
I was supposed to go out with a few friends tonight, but I'm feeling kind of lazy, and these pictures have inspired me... I think I'll sit home tonight, curl up with my cat and a pizza, and watch Apollo 13 again! ;)
I was supposed to go out with a few friends tonight, but I'm feeling kind of lazy, and these pictures have inspired me... I think I'll sit home tonight, curl up with my cat and a pizza, and watch Apollo 13 again! ;)

Budge up then and leave some room for me..would you like a nice glass of red wine to go with your pizza and your Gary fix..:)

Yeah another thread!!! Does anyone know if Gary going to be making an TV apperances to promote the new season of NY??? I'm gonig out of town and wont be back until the day before the new season, I need to know if I need to tivo any talk shows.

I haven't seen any interviews listed for him but if I do I will let you know.
Budge up then and leave some room for me..would you like a nice glass of red wine to go with your pizza and your Gary fix..:)

Fruitbat, that always sounds divine, to me! ;)

And ironically, what should I see playing on Sunday night, on the Sci Fi network? Well, Apollo 13, of course! :lol: It's everywhere!
Hi again! ;)

So I watched Apollo13 in last weekend and I was almost a fall you of my bed!:lol: Cause I watched after the film those extra materials where was interwiews including Gary's! :D MY GOD he was cute!:drool::drool::drool: I could have easily thought that he was someting about 30 years old there even youngner! Even though he was 40 years old then! ;)
So boyish...lovely grin and sooo sexy glance in his eyes...:devil::devil::devil:

MacsLady I agree that let him be alone in bed at night should be illegal! :D
And if I'd be there with him I'd make sure he wouldn't wanna leave anywhere before...öhm...something...:evil::devil::evil: :lol:

And it's also true that he looks "at least" 10 years younger than he really is! :thumbsup: I know a lot of people in here who are same age as Gary and especially guys looks so much older than him even that they're same age! :rolleyes: to the question goes how he looks so young??? I must be in genes and keeping himself in good shape is of course inportant! :cool:
To be honest he's just getting hotter in every CSI:NY season! :thumbsup:
And what comes to be "rebel thing" I could easily see Gary as rebel guy! :devil::angel:
Stick on Apollo13...:bolian:

A beard is sooo :drool::drool::drool::drool:

Gary in Forrerst Gump..."without a wig"! ;)
...neck...wau!!! :adore:
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I love Gary in Apollo 13! ^_^ I'd KILL to see him as Mac with just that little bit of stubble! Can't resist Gary with some scruffiness. Of course, Mac with his clean shaven, starched shirt look tickles me too!



I have to say, sometimes I miss the ties. He just wears it so well...
roximonoxide said:
I have to say, sometimes I miss the ties. He just wears it so well...

I second that! Something sexy about a sharp dressed man!

Great pics Sam222! My absolute favorite Gary movie! I have it on VHS but no longer have a VCR so I need to get it on DVD!
Whoa! :hugegrin: I miss the tie too now! ;) And the first one is soo :drool::drool::drool::drool:
What about these three? :bolian:

Mac in leather...?

...With out a jacket:p...hmm nice arms but'
"damn that the view is too high!" :devil::lol::devil:

Nice piccies Sam, I don't miss the tie at all here, last one makes me drool, look at the handzzzz :drool::drool::drool: They definetely could provide that massage i'm in big need off :devil::devil::devil:
Nice piccies Sam, I don't miss the tie at all here, last one makes me drool, look at the handzzzz :drool::drool::drool: They definetely could provide that massage i'm in big need off :devil::devil::devil:

Gary...massage...err excuse me while my brain melts out of my ears...*sigh*

There is an awful lot I miss about season 1, but I have to say Mac in a tie isn't one of them. I love that sexy neck to much.

I wouldn't mind if we saw him in a tie once in a while. He wore one on a date with Peyton and he wore one when he was in court.

Love the Boo pic with the leather jacket, it reminds me of the one he wore in Nonstop...but like CSISenna I think the third one is my fav..:D
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Yep. I like season 1 too, but I don't miss the tie "that much"! ;)

Like you said Fruitbat his neck is definately worth to see EVERY TIME it's just
too sexy to cover! :p

You know if I have to say the best part of Gary...hmm..."everything"! :lol:
Okey maybe...
1) The Neck :devil:
2) His "assets" :drool::drool::drool:
3) Hypnotic eyes:adore:

What can I say after that...he's "a perfect package!" :D:D:D
Whoa! I like the last one a lot!:drool::drool::drool: Thanks for the lovely pics! :thumbsup:
He really do have nice muscles!:adore: And you can still see it veeery clearly!
Like in CSI:NY! :thumbsup:

Here's some pics to proveing that! Even though his hotness doesn't really need to prove much!:lol:


Like you said...whoa what arm-muscles!!!:drool::drool::drool::drool:


And he has good shape of his stomach muscle too!

Yep! :thumbsup: He's physicaly sooo perfect! :luvlove:Which makes
even harder to keep imagination on control! :devil::devil::devil:
Nice piccies Sam, I don't miss the tie at all here, last one makes me drool, look at the handzzzz :drool::drool::drool: They definetely could provide that massage i'm in big need off :devil::devil::devil:

Gary...massage...err excuse me while my brain melts out of my ears...*sigh*

There is an awful lot I miss about season 1, but I have to say Mac in a tie isn't one of them. I love that sexy neck to much.

I wouldn't mind if we saw him in a tie once in a while. He wore one on a date with Peyton and he wore one when he was in court.

Love the Boo pic with the leather jacket, it reminds me of the one he wore in Nonstop...but like CSISenna I think the third one is my fav..:D

Gary....Massage....:drool::drool::drool::drool::drool: Mmm, that would be nice. The third pic is my fave too.
Re the tie issue...there is something very sexy about Formal Gary/Mac, but ultimately I do prefer the tielessness and Unbuttoned state of the later seasons.:drool: Gary himself looks very hot in casual gear - Stu Redman being a :drool: example, but he looks hot in a suit/tie too, like in Ransom. And he looks good in nothing, too.:drool::devil: Like in A Midnight Clear.:drool:

Gorgeous pics, everyone.
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