Gary #4....Soooooo Nibble Worthy

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andreea Nice pic.. :D Ahh the infamous and lovely Ransom butt shot...he really does have very nice assets... :devil:

And Bumble Bee love the shots you picked. That new site has some lovely pics of our boy. Must admit I love the shot with the Grey hair, someone needs to tell CBS higher ups that Grey is SEXY.
I know I'm a little late on posting this, but back to his daughters..... I'm as old as his youngest, it feels sort of strange... I could have been a SINISE!!!! :lol:
Thanks for the great pic andreea, and a Warm Welcome to the Gary Thread! Be sure to join us over with the Mac Madness on the other thread, too! :)
FB thank you for posting the link! It is a fantastic video... Gary really does need something for what he does (even though he probably wouldn't want anything :))
Its very good, you should check out KFJackKF's other work there is a Mac one and a OMAM one.

Natty I agree he probably wouldn't want anything. But its nice for people to realise just how much he does for others.
Ohhhhhh Myyyyy Lorddddddd!

I just got some stuff through the door from Amazon, Got 'It's The Rage'

i dont know if anyone has seen it...but you guys need to see it...i would say it's 100% his funniest role!
And possibly his hottest!

YUMMMMY :D There's this one bit and he's got this pet dog, but it's like a computer one...and he's talking to it and he's all ", no licking,stop that...stop the licking"
it's so cute :D

or maybe i'm just weird


Totally thee sexiest man alive!
Yep he is really good in that film plus there is the little dance he does and you get to see his tummy... :D
First off, I love the pics you are all posting in here. Very, very nice. Now, I have some good news, I might actually get to go and see Gary perform with his band in March. He's performing in a city near where I live, and I can get tickets to it. I can't wait! Has anyone else seen him with the Lt. Dan band? I hear they are pretty good, just wanted some opinions from you all! I don't know if I'll be able to take pics or not(probably not), but I would love to to be able to share with you all.
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