Gary #4....Soooooo Nibble Worthy

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Wow, Fallen Angel was amazing, really wish my BLEEP video recorder worked so I could've taped it.

I've mentioned on here before that I really don't like swearing, so it was great to see Gary in a role where he didn't need to swear or be evil or anything. I never would've thought of casting him in a love story, so whoever did deserves a medal. Also loved him in casual clothes, could just imagine curling up on the sofa with him just like Joely Richardson did (I wouldn't have told him to go though).

How funny was the ice-skating scene? I wonder, were all the falls deliberate or did they just leave the out-takes in because he kept falling? Aww, think of all those bumps and bruises - I'd sure like to kiss them better ;)

Finally got to watch Snake Eyes too. Again, evil and swearing, but thankfully he left the F's to Nicolas Cage.

I like that they left the ending vague. It's possible the paramedics got there in time, maybe he didn't die after all - he could've been revived and court-martialled. I'd love to see a sequel where they meet up again in jail and have to put their differences aside. (Yeah, it'll never happen but still, I can dream)

(edited because my hands are so darn cold I can't type properly)
I whant Soooooooo Much to see Fallen Angel, but if you are looking for dvd`s here in norway you better be sure they are made after 2000, :( or you can just forget to look after them... and whit my luck Fallen angel Went on TV to day, but it is en a channel I DON`T HAVE :mad: :(..... I`m SO living in the wrong land.... GRRRRR :mad:

*Crying and hope that Thay can send the good movies on the channel I HAVE* :(

Going to take a very cold shower to cool down... See you later ;)
How funny was the ice-skating scene? I wonder, were all the falls deliberate or did they just leave the out-takes in because he kept falling? Aww, think of all those bumps and bruises - I'd sure like to kiss them better

I never thought about that! Well o course thought about the kissing him better :devil: But I never thought about them being outtakes, what do you guys think?!?!?
nattybatty55 said:
How funny was the ice-skating scene? I wonder, were all the falls deliberate or did they just leave the out-takes in because he kept falling? Aww, think of all those bumps and bruises - I'd sure like to kiss them better

I never thought about that! Well o course thought about the kissing him better :devil: But I never thought about them being outtakes, what do you guys think?!?!?
I do think it was all planned - very common romance movie technique. But, I don't care either way. Loved it all the same and I'm so jealous of Joely Richardson.

I saw Molly Ringwald on stage in Sweet Charity. Since she got to kiss Gary (a lot) in The Stand, I feel like I saw former girlfriend of Gary's or something. Is that stupid or what? :lol:
42bens on You Tube has posted The Stand in multiple parts just follow the link to the profile.

I love The Stand, Stu was my first Gary love....sigh.....I think I will dig it out for another watch...!!! :D :D
Had a quick flick through the Radio Times, doesn't look like they're showing it :(

No mention of S4C repeating Fallen Angel either :( Who would be the best person/company to send a mass email to about releasing it on DVD?
I watched Fallen Angel today, Terry is so hot and so adorable. I would like to kiss better all his bumps and burises from falling over while skating too, and also to warm him up after he goes in the lake. :devil: :devil:Oh, and I'd love to snuggle up with him by the fire too. Joely Richardson is soooooooooo lucky! I'm definitely keeping Fallen Angel on my PVR so I can watch it again.
Ashok Selvam from Chicago's Daily Herald wrote an article on an Iraq vet, and Gary was briefly mentioned.
Army Sgt. Bryan Anderson recently moved out of his family's Rolling Meadows home to a nearby condo with two roommates. The 26-year-old continues to fly across the country, whether it's visiting a close friend in Las Vegas or meeting another Hollywood star. He's hobnobbed with celebrities like actor Gary Sinise and Bears' place-kicker Robbie Gould.

Follow the link if you want to read the entire article. :)

Also, Jeffrey Seglin of the NY Times wrote in his Dec. 23 blog about those who do good and bad things, and included Gary amongst the good:

Other celebrities, people who enjoy far less media fanfare than Hilton does, have been devoting themselves to humanitarian efforts for years. Take actor Gary Sinise: Since 2004 his not-for-profit Operation Iraqi Children, co-founded with author Laura Hillenbrand, has been providing school-supply kits, nearly 200,000 of them, to Iraqi children. The kits, along with books, shoes, blankets, backpacks, sports equipment and toys, are distributed by American troops.

The effort has recently expanded into Afghanistan and Djibouti. OIC reports that 100 percent of donations go either to providing supplies for children or to covering shipping costs.
Kudos to Gary.

ETA: Bumblebee, your first link didn't work for me. :confused:
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