Gary #3 Mr. Sinister.

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Re: Gary # 3 Mr. Sinister.

Yeah that picture is just wonderful! I really needed time to figure out how he was lying though :D he really looks so cute when he's asleep!
Re: Gary # 3 Mr. Sinister.

OOOhhh East Texas, Stu my first Gary love.....errr umm I think you can take that as a yes.. :D The Stand is still on of my favorite Gary film he just looks SO good in it and Stu is SO adroable.


What did you think of it....
Re: Gary # 3 Mr. Sinister.

Elwood21 that picture is really sweet!With all the CSI:NY and the band and most of all his family the guy must be excausted!!

In that other pic he also looks good!But where does he not? :p
Re: Gary # 3 Mr. Sinister.

Oooh, lovely pic of Gary. I am going to order the Stand at work today! (I work at a library and one of our branches has it) Is he in it a lot?
By the way, have any of y'all had the chance to listen to the audiobook of Travels With Charley by John Steinbeck nd read by Gary? Gary does a fantastic job reading it. And it's lovely to snuggle up in bed at night and listen to his sexy voice!
Re: Gary # 3 Mr. Sinister.

The Stand is an ensemble peace but Gary is in it a fair bit....I remember my first time watching it I just fell for Stu.....*sigh* Then I saw him without his shirt....


*THUD* :D :D :D
Re: Gary # 3 Mr. Sinister.


Once again fruitbat good job with the pic!! :)

Audiobooks..... no I wish I had though!!! :)
Re: Gary # 3 Mr. Sinister.

I've heard he does the "Of Mice And Men" audiobook too, though our library apparently doesn't carry it (insert various curses at our sucky library).

The really funny thing is my parents just watched the stand this weekend (I didn't b/c the copy they have is recorded on VHS from TV, suckage anyone? And my brother has the DVD for when I want to watch it, which will be soon :D.) AND this weekend the SCIFI channel had it on (I think it was scifi anyway)

And if this post makes no sense whatsoever, my head feels like its gonna float off any second now (stupid sister giving me her stupid illness!)
Re: Gary # 3 Mr. Sinister.

I also hope very much which will not sink the Nivau. Sometimes it goes already very much in the direction of Soap. I would see also dearer how the characters develop themselves with each other. This was indicated now and again sometimes. (See Stella Mac). Or sometimes again come back to Mac's Stepson. The Scenen were played really very well by both actors. If I am honest. if the first relay has liked best of all. She better fits to New York. With this relay the single cases were also effective better. The series is simply a crime film drama. Las Vegas CSI is also held a little darker. This also fits to this town. Miami CSI is of course brighter. The people there have also another mentality and the sun appears almost always. One can form not all 3 series immediately. And what disturbs me still a little which one has styled Gary so young. It sometimes looks a little bit unworthily for this fantastic man. He still looks very good in natura with gray hair and without hairpiece. Mac as a leader of the CSI NY can be older also a little. With his 52 years he still looks good. But the Antiaging wave passes, unfortunately, nobody. he said it also sometimes in an interview. It is not at all the type which styles itself privately so much. He is a very natural and dear person.
Re: Gary # 3 Mr. Sinister.

^ Well, we'll see what the next season brings for all three shows. I will admit to looking forward to NY and Vegas most, and Miami less so, even though the sun always comes out there. (I don't tan very well. :p)

The Stand - I rented the Stand and saw it for the first time in it's entirety and without commercials earlier this year. Oh Yes indeed, East Texas is a marvellous place to be. I think I watched the whole series in one weekend and then went straight out and bought the book... (which I then promptly plowed thru looking for all the Stu passages...:lol:)

And wow, listening to Gary's voice read to you... well I've never been interested in audio books but that may be subject to change...

Hey - I just became a Witness. Does that mean I can share piccies directly in posts now? I may just have to test this out and see. (what do I have to achieve to use an avatar/icon?)
Re: Gary # 3 Mr. Sinister.

I'm still in Thudsville. I didn't watch all of it, did he's character survive?
Re: Gary # 3 Mr. Sinister.

Well, not to give away the ending of the beginning of a world where the "end is only the beginning" (as it says on the cover) but, the brave new world will still have Stuart limping about. Well, I guess I gave it away eh?

Let's try this out now. So, who wants to live in a place that's sunny all the time... :cool:


Wahooooooooo!! Heeeey! Rock on, it worked!! Oh you're all in for it now..... :p
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