Gary #3 Mr. Sinister.

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Re: Gary # 3 Mr. Sinister.

Oh, yum. Thanks Elwood, those are great.
I just figured out why Gary has such great hands - it's the guitar playing. Lots of fast finger movement.
Oh, my.
Re: Gary # 3 Mr. Sinister.

I just figured out why Gary has such great hands - it's the guitar playing. Lots of fast finger movement.
Oh, my.

Sounds about right, to me! But erm, how do we explain his sexy feet, then?!!! :lol:
Re: Gary # 3 Mr. Sinister.

macpeyfan said:
I just figured out why Gary has such great hands - it's the guitar playing. Lots of fast finger movement.
Oh, my.

when I start thinking about Gary's fast fingers... :eek: :p :devil:OMG, it's definitelly gettting hot here :D

One of the 1st things I look in man - is his hands :D And Gary has perfect hands :devil:
Re: Gary # 3 Mr. Sinister.

I just figured out why Gary has such great hands - it's the guitar playing. Lots of fast finger movement.
Oh, my.

Strong hands, fast fingers, great dexterity & coordination, not to mention rhythm ... :lol: hoo la ...

Sounds about right, to me! But erm, how do we explain his sexy feet, then?!!!

...ummmmm ...maybe he's a *really* good dancer...? :lol:

hmmm - wonder if he plays :p harmonica :p :devil:
(i think i just made myself blush...)

but yes, great genes... (looks great in them genes...)
Re: Gary # 3 Mr. Sinister.

Sorry, I wandered off, thinking about fast fingers.

Oops, harmonicas, off I go again.

(over her shoulder as she wanders absentmindedly away)

Yes, very good genes - looks good in jeans, too.
Re: Gary # 3 Mr. Sinister.

Fruitbat said:
I really hope you are right but the back lash from some fans constant and loud compaining about how much screen time Gary got this year (and I am not just talking about on this list) could be less Mac next year. I will cross my fingers that I am wrong. I thought everyone rocked this year. It was nice to see more of Adam and Sid, and Flack had some great moments this season.
I think everyone rocked this year, and chracters like Hawkes and Flack and Adam did start getting storylines of their own, which is great. I don't think Gary had too much screen time this season, he didn't seem to have much more than last season or the one before? I hope what TPTB realize is that they might lose a substantial audience if they cut down Gary's role. They could perhaps do more case focused episodes, which give the characters more equal screen time, and then have a few personal storylines for each of the characters INCLUDING Mac? For e.g. I would like to know more about Hawkes's past, and to see Danny and Flack have their own storylines too. But I also hope to see more storylines for Mac. GS is an incredibly talented actor, and I really hope TPTB don't waste him.
Re: Gary # 3 Mr. Sinister.

This is spoken to me from the soul. I cannot see enough Mac Scenen. He is really a completely big actor. He was up to now in every role he has played brilliantly. I have seen up to now everything what he has played. Last I looked Truman. Simply fantastically!!! Also his in accordance with Dan Band is great. Unfortunately, I have up to now only single video clips see könnn. Unfortunately, there is no DVD's of it.
Re: Gary # 3 Mr. Sinister.

Hi nel2h - ^ I agree with you, Gary's so consistently good in his work. As for the Lt Dan Band, check out youTube, there seem to be more clips of some songs added than there once were. As for a full concert, I doubt we'll ever see a full dvd or anything. Somehow I expect experiencing Gary's energy in a live show would be so much better in any case. I keep hearing how non-stop energetic and enthusiastic he is as a performer.

(and my mind descends gutterwards)

MacsLady ^ I get the impression that GS would not settle for anything less than the best use of his time, how much or little of it might be screened. I think the issue for some people might be that his screen time felt weighted toward the end of the season, because several episodes ran together, and they forget somewhat that others were given their meatier storylines a bit earlier on? I think the finale is a good sign they are trying to spread the action and screen time around. They packed a hell of a lot into those 43 minutes, and though some characters had less to contribute than others (show me an episode where that WASN'T the case), I think the effort still bodes well for S4.

Yes, I think a little more depth to all the characters is very welcome, but, AGAIN, written well, and not at the expense of why it's called Crime Scene Investigation. I think the writing has to reflect how these people deal with doing that job, how they lean on each other to do so, how they interact within the hierarchy of their lab, and how a personal history may explain how and why they make choices they do - but not in a manner that would push it into the nite-time soap-opera realm. I at least have enough faith in the writers that the CSI franchise name will keep the worst of that from happening, and that integrity of people like Gary and others will bear pressure to keep standards high.

:lol: My mind, however, somehow finds the gutter when I think about certain things. Back to Gary.
MBGrissom said:
And don't forget the Sexy Moist Lips on the Harmonica!
:lol: ...I also kinda thought the harmonica entailed skillful use of, um, ...tongue? :devil: *blushing slightly*

Lips are most definitely enticing too. I'll go all the way to saying that all his, uh, elements are incredibly sprinkler-inducing in their appeal. Might I also suggest that he is a man who is probably so much greater than the sum of his lovely parts... and he also tours! bringing happy happy joy joy to all corners of the world. It seems there is nowhere that he (or my gutter mind) won't go to to bring forth pleasure...

:cool: Glad to know his various overseas tours played out safely and he's now happily on vacation. Awwwwwww, does Gary need a rest...? Check it out...

Looks like all his parts are a little worn out...

from: PhotoJournal of Ben Lewis, June 2004 American USO Bus Tour.

Hey - just snagged a copy of A Gentleman's Game - have only seen caps, not the film yet, so here's to a great few hours on the couch... (*ahem* get out of the gutter kids) :lol:
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