Game: Brain Freezers

They each paid $.90, but you don't add the 20 cents that the guy pocketed, you add the 30 cents that the friends got back. $.90 x 3 = $2.70 + $.30 = $3.00. The ball cost Ben $2.50, and he pocketed $.20, so that is the $2.70 that the other kids paid.
wow, i completely dont understand that! i have a riddle for anyone who wants it, my friend just told it to me and it took me ages to get...

with no wings i fly
with no eyes i see
with no arms i climb
more frightening than any beast
stronger than any foe
i am cunning, ruthless and tall,
and in the end, i rule all.
I have found a few more questions. So I hope you don't mind me posting one. Haven't put any here in awhile.

A Train enters a tunnel at 7 o'clock, another train enters the exact same tunnel, also at 7 o'clock on the same day. The tunnel only has one track, and no other means for the trains to pass, around, over, or under. However both trains made it to the other end of the tunnel untouched. How could this be?
I have 2 answers to this one:

a.) It is a set of Lionel toy trains, so one passes one after another. That shouldn't take over a minute

b.) One passes at 7am, and the other passes at 7pm. For those of you that use military time, that is 0700 and 1900 (rather pretentious of me, huh?)
Correct, CaptainMiracle51. The second answer was the one I had, but the first one will work, too. Here is another question.

If you multiply all the numbers on the telephone, what is the answer?
zero? You multiply one by zero, which equals zero. Then you multiply two by zero, which also equals zero. Then the same thing with all the rest?
Correct, Cat. Did you have to get out a calculator before you realized it? :p

Horatio and Calleigh go down to the beach to collect sea shells. They take one bag with them. With out knowing how big the bag is, how many shells can they put in the empty bag?
No, i was actually doing my maths homework after i read it. and i just realized it.

None, because the bag wouldn't be empty after that.
Cat is correct again. Let's see who gets this one.

I’m a five letter word, yet it sounds strange to say,
six still remains when you take two letters away!